
ChatGPTの『日本書紀』英訳 雄略天皇 9

『日本書紀』雄略天皇 9




In the second year, during the autumn in July, the emperor intended to bring Iketsu-hime (池津媛) from Baekje (百済) into the palace, but she had an affair with Ishikawa no Tate (石川楯). The emperor was greatly angered and commanded Ōtomo no Muroya no Ōmuraji (大伴室屋大連) to send a member of the Kumebe (来目部) to bind the couple to trees, place them on a scaffold, and burn them to death.

According to the Baekje New Record (百済新撰), in the year of Tsuchinoto-Mi (己巳), King Kōro (蓋鹵王) ascended to the throne. The emperor sent Arenako (阿礼奴跪) to request a beautiful woman. Baekje dressed up the daughter of Lady Muni (慕尼夫人) and sent her to the emperor, calling her Chakukei Ehashi (適稽女郎).

On the third day of the tenth month in winter, the emperor visited Yoshino Palace (吉野宮). On the sixth day, he went to Mimase (御馬瀬). He commanded the officials in charge of the mountains to hunt as he pleased. They climbed many peaks and ran across wide plains. Before the day had ended, they had captured most of the game, almost depleting the birds and beasts. Finally, they found a forest and spring where they rested by the water. The emperor arranged the carriages, allowed the soldiers to rest, and asked the ministers (群臣), “Is it more enjoyable to have the cooks prepare fresh game, or to prepare it yourself?” The ministers could not answer immediately.

The emperor became very angry, drew his sword, and killed the driver Ōtsu no Umakai (大津馬飼). That day, the emperor returned from Yoshino Palace. The people of the country were all greatly frightened. The Empress Dowager and the Empress, hearing of this, were very concerned.



『百済新撰』によると、己巳(つちのとみ)の年に蓋鹵王(こうろおう)が即位しました。天皇は阿礼奴跪(あれなこ)を派遣し、美しい女性を求めました。百済は慕尼(むに)夫人の娘を飾り立てて、適稽女郎(ちゃくけいえはし 池津媛)と呼び、天皇に送りました。

冬十月三日、天皇は吉野宮を訪れました。六日には御馬瀬(みませ)に行かれました。山係りの役人に命じて、自由に狩りをさせました。いくつもの峰に登り、広い原を駆け回り、日が暮れる前に多くの獲物を捕らえました。最後には、林泉にたどり着き、水辺で休憩しました。天皇は車駕を整え、兵士を休ませ、群臣に尋ねました。「猟場の楽しみは、料理人に鮮(なます 新鮮な料理)を作らせることだが、自分で作るのとどっちが楽しいだろう」。群臣は即答することができなかった。

令和6年6月29日(土) 2024
