
ChatGPTの『日本書紀』英訳 雄略天皇 18

『日本書紀』雄略天皇 18





In this year, Kibi no Kamitsumichi no Omi Tasa was serving at the court. He praised Wakahime to his friends, saying, "There is no beauty in the world like my wife. She is splendid and elegant, possessing all the virtues. She is bright and warm, perfect in every way, without flaw like lead flowers, surpassing the orchids in the marshes. She is a rare jewel in a vast world, standing out uniquely in our time."

The Emperor, overhearing this and being pleased in his heart, decided he wanted Wakahime for himself as a consort. He appointed Tasa as the governor of Mimana and soon after, the Emperor visited Wakahime. Tasa had already married Wakahime, and they had two sons, Anikimi and Otokimi.

Another version says, "Tasa's wife, named Mohime, was the daughter of Katsuragi Sotsuhiko's son, Tamada no Sukune. The Emperor, having heard of her exceptional beauty, killed her husband and took her for himself."

When Tasa arrived at his post, he heard that the Emperor had married his wife. Seeking help, he went to Silla. At that time, Silla was not serving Nakatsu-Kuni(Japan).





田狭は任地に到着した後、天皇が彼の妻を妃にしたことを聞き、助けを求めて新羅(しらぎ)に行こうとしました。当時、新羅は中国(なかつくに 葦原中国 日本)に従っていませんでした。

令和6年7月9日(火) 2024
