
ChatGPTの『日本書紀』英訳 孝安天皇











Emperor Mimatsu-hiko Kaeshine-no-Sumeramikoto, the Crown Prince of Emperor Ōyamato-hiko Sukitomo-no-Sumeramikoto, also known as Emperor Itoku. His mother was Empress Ama-no-toyotsu-hime-no-mikoto, and his son was the daughter of Okisomimi-no-mikoto. Emperor Kanematsu-hiko ascended to the throne as Crown Prince in the spring of the 22nd year of Emperor Ōyamato-hiko Sukitomo-no-Sumeramikoto (before 489) on the day of the second month, the 12th day. In the autumn of the 34th year (before 477), on the ninth month, Emperor Ōyamatohiko Sukitomo-no-Sumeramikoto passed away. The following year (before 476), in the winter, on the tenth month, Emperor Ōyamatohiko Sukitomo-no-Sumeramikoto was buried at the Kamino-tani-no-kami-no-misasagi on the south of Unebi-yama.

Emperor Kanematsu-hiko Kaeshi-ine-no-sumera-mikoto, the Crown Prince of Emperor Itoku, ascended to the throne as Crown Prince on the 12th day of the second month in the 22nd year of Emperor Itoku.

In the autumn of the 34th year, on the ninth month, Emperor Itoku passed away. The following year, on the 13th day of the tenth month, Emperor Itoku was buried at the Manago-no-tani-no-kami-no-misasagi on the south of Unebi-yama.

In the first year, on the first day of the spring, the Crown Prince ascended to the throne.

In the fourth month of the summer, on the first day of the second month, the Empress was honored and given the title Empress Dowager.

In the seventh month of autumn, the capital was moved to Wakino-kami, known as Ikegokoro-no-miya. This year, the Taishaku was Bingyin.

In the 29th year, on the first day of the spring, the Crown Princess Yosotarashi-
hime became the Empress. According to some accounts, she is also known as Yaenomi-no-Nagi, the daughter of Isoichi-no-miya, or as Toyoakihisao-no-musume, also known as Oi-hime.

In the 68th year, on the first day of the spring, the Crown Prince Ametarashi-hiko-kunioshihito-no-mikoto ascended to the throne, aged twenty. Ametarashi-hiko-kunioshihito-no-mikoto, the son of Empress Ametarashi-hiko-kunioshihito-no-mikoto, was the founder of the Wani-no-omi and others.

In the 83rd year, on the first day of the autumn, the Emperor passed away.


觀松彦香殖稻天皇(みまつひこかえしねのすめらみこと)。大日本彦耜友天皇(おおやまとひこすきとものすめらみこと 懿徳天皇)の太子。母は皇后天豐津媛命(あまをとよつひめのみこと)で、息子は石耳命(おきそみみのみこと)の娘です。天皇は大日本彦耜友天皇廿二年(辛卯前四八九)春二月丁未に皇太子に即位されました。卅四年(甲子前四七七)秋九月、大日本彦耜友天皇が崩御されました。翌年(空位乙丑前四七六)冬十月戊午庚午、大日本彦耜友天皇を畝傍山(うねびやま)の南繊沙谿上陵(まなごのたにのかみのみささぎ)に葬られました。




廿九年春正月甲辰朔丙午、世襲足媛(よそたらしひめ)が皇后となりました。〈一説には、磯城縣主の葉江女渟が城津媛ともお伝えされます。一説には、倭国豐秋狹太雄の娘で大井媛とも伝えられています。〉后は天足彦國押人命(おめたらしひこくにおしひとのみこと)を産み、日本足彦國押人天皇(やまとたらしひこくにおしひとのすめらみこと 孝安天皇)となりました。



令和6年1月3日(水) 2024
