
ChatGPTの『日本書紀』英訳雄略天皇 4

『日本書紀』雄略天皇 4


*「𣝅」本 ・・・「𣝅」が未詳(よく分らない)だが、蓋し(おそらく)「槻」だろう。即ち「槻本」(つきもと)


The Ōomi (Minister) dressed in formal attire, approached the military camp, bowed, and said, "Even if I am to be executed, I dare not accept your command. As the ancient people have said, 'It is difficult to take away the will of a lowly man,' and this exactly applies to my situation. I humbly request that you accept my daughter, Karahime, and seven estates in Kazuraki as an offering to atone for my sins." The Emperor did not grant this request and set fire to the house. There, the Ōomi, Prince Kurohiko, and Prince Mayowa were all burned to death together. At that time, Sakaaibe no Muraji Nienosukune embraced the prince's body and was also burned to death with him. The servants collected the remains, but it was difficult to distinguish the bones. They were placed in a single coffin and buried together on the southern hill of Tsukimoto in Imaki no Aya.



令和6年6月25日(火) 2024
