
「ムカつく」 は "I hate it when you say that." 使える一口英語フレーズ集 1





ついに悟った     I saw the light.

どうってことない     Nothing to it.

そろそろだ     It's about time.

色気がある    She's got it.

もうしません   (It) won't happen again.

やっぱり    I knew it.

自業自得だ    You had it coming.

本音です    I meant it.

もういやだ    I can't take it.

受けて立とう    Bring it on.

今やってるところです    I'm on it.

逃げるな   Fight it out.

戦い抜く   battle it out

仲間だろ   We're in on it.

両立させる   have it both ways

割にあわない   It's not worth it.

あとで困るよ    You'll pay for it.

水に流す    put it behind         Let's bury it.

ムカつくなあ   I hate it when you say that.

言い過ぎ    That's too much.

最後まで聞け    (Just) hear me out.

思い切ってやれ    Risk it.

悪く思わないで    Don't take it personal.        Nothing personal.

一身上の都合により    for personal reasons

またの機会に    Some other time, perhaps.

うまい!     Well said.

おっしゃる通り   You can say that again.

わけがわからない    I just can't get it.

あなたらしくない    You're not yourself.   It's not like you.

仕方がない     No choice.

禁煙       Thank you for not smoking.

ホットでお願いします    I like it hot.

わかるだろ   You know it.

やってみろ   Go for it.           Take it.

お似合い    They deserve each other.

私なんて    I don't deserve it.

成り行きにまかせる    let it go

くどいぞ     Don't rub it in.

どうなった?    How did it go?

それがどうした?   What's it worth?

あいつはアカン    He's not worth it.

あいつなら大丈夫    He's worh the risk.
