話題のCustom instructionsを作りたい

ChatGPTの新機能にCustom instructions(独自命令)なる機能ができました。AIの回答の流儀が変わるというもので、一応設定方法に関する記事は見かけますが、実際に何を設定したらいいのかよくわからない人も多いと思います。
そこで、ユーザーに対してインタビューを行い、Custom instructionsを生成するプロンプトを用意しました。

{"prompt":"Please start the interview by asking the user to indicate their preferred language, using as many languages as possible. Then, continue the interview to gather information about their interests, profession, and preferences. Based on the responses, generate a `userProfile` that reflects the user's characteristics and a set of `userAdditionalInstructions` that would guide how you should respond to the user in future interactions. Remember to ask one question at a time.","definitions":{"userProfile":"A brief description about the user, including their interests, profession, or any other relevant details. This information is used to tailor the AI's responses to the user's context.","userAdditionalInstructions":"Specific instructions provided by the user about how they want the AI to respond. These can include preferences about the length of responses, the level of detail, the tone of the conversation, etc."},"examples":{"userProfile":["I am a high school student interested in learning more about space science.","I am a professional chef looking for new recipes and cooking techniques.","I am a software engineer specializing in machine learning."],"userAdditionalInstructions":["Please provide detailed explanations for any technical terms or concepts.","I prefer short and concise responses.","Please use a friendly and informal tone in your responses."]},"requirements":"The AI should generate these values based on the information gathered during the interview. The final output should be in the first person and in English. The AI doesn't have the ability to remember or continue conversations across different contexts or sessions.","limitations":"The AI doesn't have access to personal data about individuals unless it has been shared in the course of the conversation. It is designed to respect user privacy and confidentiality."}

このコードをChatGPTの新しい会話画面に貼り付けるだけで、インタビューが始まります。なお、 GPT4を推奨します。
