
任意拘押/Arbitrary Detention/恣意的拘束




























Arbitrary Detention

    In China, most human rights defenders are subjected to oppression by the authorities. Petitioners who queue overnight at the National Public Complaints and Proposals Administration often experience detention, imprisonment, or restriction of freedom.

    Detained After Calling the Police

      In 2015, the Jintan City Construction Company destroyed a road near my home without permission. My family called the police to stop it. The then-head of Huacheng Police Station, Yin Liping, arrived with a gun and forcibly summoned my parents and sister on charges of obstructing official duties. My sister, Yang Li, was detained at the station for over ten hours and then administratively detained for seven days.

    Prevented from Seeking Medical Treatment and Detained for Petitioning

     On February 13, 2023, my sister (with a rare kidney disease) and my mother (with heart disease) went to the National Public Complaints and Proposals Administration while waiting for a specialist appointment at Peking University First Hospital. They submitted four complaints, including the illegal expropriation of a large amount of farmland by the Jintan District government in Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province, and the inaction of the Jintan police on a fraud case involving the local Bank of China branch manager, Tang Xiaojun. On February 15, public security and government personnel from Jintan, along with hired security, tracked and kidnapped my sister and mother using phone location data. They were forcibly held in a hotel near Langfang Airport for two days and then detained in a car for more than ten hours before being sent home.

    Kidnapped and Detained by Police and Hired Security

     On April 5, 2023, my sister and mother, with a pre-scheduled appointment at Peking University First Hospital, were kidnapped by hired thugs from Jintan police at Beijing South Railway Station. They were held in a car for about twelve hours, then detained at the Binhu Police Station in Jintan for nearly 24 hours before being released.
     On June 11, 2023, they were heading to Peking University First Hospital when they were intercepted at the Jintan Bus Station by Deputy Director Chen Bin of Binhu Police Station and forcibly taken to the police station where they were detained for five to six hours.
     On June 14, 2023, while handling hospitalization procedures at Peking University First Hospital, they were beaten and detained in separate cars for nearly twelve hours by security hired by Binhu Police Station and the Xicheng Street Office in Jintan before being forcibly sent home.

    Eavesdropping, Fabricating Charges, Forcibly Detaining, and Preventing Medical Treatment

     On July 24, 2023, we used WeChat voice messages to call a taxi to Peking University First Hospital. The authorities eavesdropped on our conversation and fabricated a false testimony claiming the driver suspected my sister and mother were going to Zhongnanhai to cause trouble. They forcibly summoned both of them from our doorstep to the police station, where they were detained for nearly 24 hours to prevent them from going to Beijing for medical treatment. During the summons, a plainclothes officer confiscated my sister's phone.

    Tian Hong and Chen Jinhua Ordered to Prevent Medical Treatment, Police Escalate Detention

     On September 14, 2023, Qiuming Lu, the Party Secretary of Jintan District, stated that Tian Hong, former Director of the Jiangsu Province Letters and Visits Bureau (currently the Director of the Jiangsu Province Social Work Department), and Jinhu Chen, Secretary of the Changzhou Municipal Committee, had instructed the retrieval of my sister and mother, who were receiving treatment at Peking University First Hospital. On the 17th of the same month, my sister was abducted by plainclothes police from Jintan before obtaining her prescribed medication after a medical consultation at Peking University First Hospital. She was held in a car for nearly 12 hours and then placed under administrative detention for another 10 days. On the 27th of the same month, my mother was tied up by plainclothes police disguised as medical staff while in her hospital bed. She was held in a car with her hands and feet bound for nearly 12 hours and then taken back to Jiangsu. Afterwards, my barefoot mother was abandoned by the roadside.

    Beaten and Detained for Refusing to Give Up Mobile Phone Password

     On October 17, 2023, my sister went to Beijing to report the April 5th kidnapping incident. At Tianjin Station, Deputy Director Chen Bin of the Binhu Police Station in Jintan seized her phone and demanded the password. When my sister refused, she was beaten by Chen Bin’s accomplice security guards, detained in a car for nearly 11 hours, and then taken to the Binhu Police Station, where she was detained for another 24 hours. My sister's shirt was torn.

    Beaten Unconscious and Detained for Seeking Medical Treatment Rights

      On March 7, 2024, my sister went to Beijing to demand her right to medical treatment. She was handed over by the Fuyou Street Police Station to the Binhu Police Station in Jintan. There, masked plainclothes officer Chu Yunyix, along with hired security, beat her until she was unconscious. She was detained in a car for nearly 12 hours, then forcibly taken to the Binhu Police Station, where she was detained for more than ten hours. Due to her worsening condition, she was then sent to a hospital and detained for another 15 hours.

    Intercepted and Beaten While Transferring for Medical Treatment, Detained

     In April 2024, due to repeated kidnappings and being prevented from seeking medical treatment, my mother’s heart condition worsened, and the local hospital was unable to treat her. On the 17th of the same month, my sister accompanied my mother to Peking University First Hospital for continued treatment. They were intercepted at Beijing South Railway Station by the Jiangsu Provincial Office in Beijing. After calling the police, they managed to get into a taxi but were followed. Seeking help at the Fuyou Street Police Station, they were sent to the Jiujingzhuang Relief Center. There, they were violently beaten to the ground by Jiangsu police, and my sister's ID was taken. She was then detained for 10 days.

    Detained, Fainted from Hunger, and Not Executed

     On May 20, 2024, my sister went to the Fuyou Street Police Station to retrieve her ID. She was detained in a car by Jiangsu police for nearly 12 hours and then given a 10-day administrative detention penalty. Because the police refused to provide food, my sister fainted from hunger, was taken to the hospital for glucose treatment, and then sent home. The Jintan police claimed they never said she would be detained for 10 days.

    Detained on June 4 for Trying to Go to Beijing

     On June 4, 2024, my sister left home to search for our mother, who had lost contact after being stopped by government officials at Nanjing Station. On her way, she was stopped by Jiangsu police and placed under administrative detention for another 10 days. Zhai Junkan, Deputy Director of the Binhuhu Police Station in Jintan, stated that the reason for her detention was "she was attempting to cause trouble in Beijing again."

    Direct Perpetrators

    On September 14, 2023, we learned that the main instigators preventing my sister and mother from seeking medical treatment in Beijing were Tian Hong(田洪), the former Director of the Jiangsu Province Letters and Visits Bureau (currently the Director of the Jiangsu Province Social Work Department), and Jinhu Chen(陈金虎), Secretary of the Changzhou Municipal Committee. The Binhuhu Police Station of the Jintan Branch of the Changzhou Public Security Bureau, while executing Tian Hong and Jinhu Chen's orders, repeatedly detained my sister Yang Li arbitrarily. The direct perpetrators were Police Station Chief Li Bin(李彬) and Deputy Chief Zhai Junkan(翟俊侃),who fabricated false case details, created false records, and signed case documents.
























