
The Convenience Girl

“What is she doing here?”, that’s the question I’m wandering every Tuesday when I visit a convenience store near my workplace.

I go to the seven eleven every Tuesday and Wednesday morning around 9 to 10 to grab my breakfast on the way to work, and only every Tuesday morning there is the female cashier, who looks pretty and *her late twenties.

You might be wandering why I’m wandering about the woman.
I’m wandering because I can’t find the appropriate reason why she’s working in this shop. I’ve kept thinking about the reason in many ways. But nothing had answer persuadable enough to me.
Then I show you my guesses for a pretty young woman working at a convenience store and also why none of them sound convincing*.

Guess 1
She might be a college student.
She might be in her senior grade and have much of time for her part time job.

Guess 2
She might be a foreigner.
I notice these days many foreigner students are working in convenience store in Japan for learning Japanese.

She might be a hostess who wanna save money for her college enrolment.
This one is the most desirable choice of mine, she’s doing part time job morning at the same time she is a flower of the night world for her successful future, that’s impressing to me.

She might be a manager of this store.

She might be a housewife working part time.

The guesses above all are possible, and the further following is the *disproofagainst them.

Disproof against Guess1
There are some universities close to my workplace but she might not, she looks too mature as to be a college girl and her eyes keep telling me “I’m not a college student, don’t mix with them, I’m different”.

Disproof against Guess2
Her Japanese is native and her name is Iizaka-san. So neither might.

Disproof against Guess3
I don’t wanna oppose this but if she works at night, she doesn’t look tired and she seems to have enough sleep since even her make up is natural, her skin and face is beautiful.
Plus I know you started thinking I’m creepy.

Disproof against Guess4
It doesn’t look she is a manager *in view of the fact thatI’ve never seen she *gave instructions toher staffs.
And also she doesn’t work on Wednesday, and one night of Thursday I went where she wasn’t too that is against workaholic-Japanese nature.

Disproof against Guess5
She didn’t wear a silver ring on her ring finger, means still you have chance.

As you read, all of them can’t prove why she’s working at the seven eleven. Unfortunely I couldn’t reveal her mystery. I hope someone will do someday.

“It is completely unimportant. That is why it is so interesting.”
- Agatha Christie-

#english #seveneleven #711
