
【hi ra ga na / ひらがな 】How to write the voiced sound and plosive sound!

Thank you very much for visiting this site.
This article is about how to write the voiced sound and plosive sound.
We hope this article will be useful for your Japanese learning!

1. The voiced sound and plosive sound writing chart

This chart shows the stroke order of the voiced sound and plosive sound characters from "が" to "ぽ".Let's try writing voiced and plosive sounds.

2. Learn how to write the voiced sound and plosive sound with this video!

On our YouTube channel, we introduce how to write and pronounce voiced and plosive consonants from "が" to "ぽ".

3、Changing sounds using 「゛」and 「゜」

≪The "ga" column≫

・か + ゛➔  が / ga 
・き + ゛➔  ぎ / gi 
・く + ゛➔  ぐ / gu 
・け + ゛➔  げ / ge 
・こ + ゛➔  ご / go 

≪The "za" column≫

・さ +゛ ➔  ざ / za
・し +゛ ➔  じ / ji (zi)※1
・す +゛ ➔  ず / zu
・せ +゛ ➔  ぜ / ze
・そ +゛ ➔  ぞ / zo

※1 " ji / じ " is the Hepburn romanization of the pronunciation.

≪The "da" column≫

・た +゛ ➔  だ / da
・ち +゛ ➔  ぢ / ji (di) ※2
・つ +゛ ➔  づ / zu (du) ※3
・て +゛ ➔  で / de
・と +゛ ➔  ど / do

※2 " ji / ぢ " is the Hepburn romanization of the pronunciation.
※3 " zu / づ " is the Hepburn romanization of the pronunciation.

≪The "ba" column≫

・は +゛ ➔  ば / ba
・ひ +゛ ➔  び / bi
・ふ +゛ ➔  ぶ / bu
・へ +゛ ➔  べ / be
・ほ +゛ ➔  ぼ / bo

≪The "pa" column≫

・は +゜ ➔  ぱ / pa
・ひ +゜ ➔  ぴ / pi
・ふ +゜ ➔  ぷ / pu
・へ +゜ ➔  ペ / pe
・ほ +゜ ➔  ぽ / po

4、YAE's massage

May you immerse yourself in Japanese, make plenty of mistakes, gain many insights, and may your dreams come true🌈
