

引用元:「英語で雑談!Kevin's English Room」12-04-2021

Kevin: So, continuing Kanon-san’s voice message of the アルバイト talked about why you quit your 牛丼 place. And I've been telling you the pastアルバイト places that I've experienced before.
Yama: Yeah, you leaved like five or six already.
Kevin: Five or six so far. Uh, the 学校, 受験, the 塾, uh, shit. Uh, 塾, yeah, 海の家, Friday’s, Gap, Hollister. That's seven. 配膳人
Yama: That's eight.
Kevin: 配膳人 I was explaining to, but 配膳人it’s um, you 登録 and then they tell you the hotels are open area, and then you go and then you serve plates like you know what the course meals, right?
Yama: Okay.
Kevin: I'm the guy that, that puts the course meal the next table, on next, next plate on the table of the course meals. That was not fun. That's seven. And I think I've done several more.
Yama: Yeah, like お菓子
Kevin: Right. That's big, that's a longest アルバイト the お菓子, お菓子の not a まちおか that's a rival company of ours. Uh, 王様のお菓子ランド is the name of the place, right. I worked before. I sold 駄菓子, chocolates, and all that stuff. That was fun. I spent like a year at that store. Longest one I’ve ever done. The people were nice. I got along with all the, the, the, crew members was cool.
Yama: Nice, nice. Must be like peaceful place.
Kevin: It was a peaceful place. That what I liked about it. All the other place was really like too little bit like チャラい little bit like party people.
Yama: Yeah.
Kevin: Maybe that was what didn't fit me. The お菓子 place was so peaceful. Everyone was just so quiet.
Yama: I can imagine that.
Kevin: Just www their business. So I think, I think that's uh, hmm. I think that's it. I think um,
Yama: So that's ten.
Kevin: That's eight.
Yama: Eight?
Kevin: That's eight. I remember I counted several in the past I've counted my アルバイト remember ten of them.
Yama: Yeah.
Kevin: But I guess I can't, maybe I did eight.
Yama: Hmm. Can you count that again?
Kevin: Yeah, it’s uh,
Yama: When you, I remember when you say a 配膳人 or something then already that was eight.
Kevin: Oh, shit.
Yama: Yeah.
Kevin: The 高校生バイト
Yama: Okay.
Kevin: Right. 高校生塾
Yama: Okay.
Kevin: Third one is 海の家
Yama: Okay.
Kevin: Uh, Gap.
Yama: Gap.
Kevin: Friday's.
Yama: Friday’s.
Kevin: Hollister.
Yama: Yeah.
Kevin: 配膳人
Yama: Yeah. Did you say
Kevin: Did I already say 配膳人? I didn't, I didn’t, I don’t think I mention 配膳人
Yama: Okay.
Kevin: So, お菓子
Yama: Oh, お菓子屋
Kevin: That's eight.
Yama: Oh.
Kevin: Right? That's it.
Yama: Okay. Then that's eight.
Kevin: Yeah, right. So
Yama: Then you miss two, right?
Kevin: Yeah.
Yama: Hmm, maybe some café, Starbucks, no?
Kevin: I've never アルバイト there actually.
Yama: Okay, hmm.
Kevin: Maybe, that’s it. Maybe that's it.
Yama: But that's a lot.
Kevin: Yeah.
Yama: Anyways.
Kevin: Still it’s a lot. It’s a lot experience. Uh, the biggest memory I have uh, I remember working at the お菓子 store. And um, I've actually worked at a お菓子store two 店舗s.
Yama: Okay.
Kevin: One 店舗 and I quit. Because I was moving. I went to different 店舗
Yama: Okay.
Kevin: If it counts that's nine.
Yama: Okay, yeah.
Kevin: I experienced two 店舗s. Uh, the first 店舗 I was um, oh, at the second 店舗 I've never told this anybody but um, at the second 店舗 I was, it was like a shopping mall shit.
Yama: Okay, shopping mall shit www yeah, of course.
Kevin: I, I, I, there was the bread store, bakery, right?
Yama: Okay.
Kevin: And I've been going there every time my shift ends or I can break, right? And there was one girl that was, that was cute.
Yama: Okay.
Kevin: Right? And then I've been, she did my お会計
Yama: Yeah.
Kevin: Several times then she noticed me.
Yama: Oh, yeah?
Kevin: And we were like, “Hi”, right? And then I was like “Hi”.
Yama: Wow.
Kevin: Right? I didn't have a girlfriend at that time I was like, maybe this could be a thing, right?
Yama: It's really romantic.
Kevin: It is fucking romantic, right? And um, and I, we, we said “Hi”.
Yama: Yeah.
Kevin: Okay, then that's it. It's over, right? Back to the shift and then next day, like I wanted to eat bread again. So I went there and she was there again.
Yama: Wow, nice.
Kevin: And that was like, let's have like a little like a really short chat.
Yama: Yeah.
Kevin: I work over there. I've noticed you been working here. We you, you've served me several times. And yeah, and that's it, right?
Yama: Yeah.
Kevin: Yeah, yeah. よろしくお願いしますkind of that. And the ended.
Yama: Sounds nice.
Kevin: Sounds nice, right? And um, then next time I, we had another chat so
Yama: Really?
Kevin: Natural.
Yama: Wow.
Kevin: Right? And then I was like, “Hmm, maybe I should ask her out for some”.
Yama: Yeah.
Kevin: Right? I went to her and then I gave her my number.
Yama: Oh, really?!
Kevin: I literally did that. I gave her my number. And at that moment she was like, she was so surprised.
Yama: Oh.
Kevin: And so hesitant.
Yama: Really?
Kevin: Like she was like “What the fuck” and she looks speechless.
Yama: Oh, really?
Kevin: Right. And she froze. And then I was like, and I felt that and I felt that froze. I was like Oh, shit. Maybe she wasn't, maybe we were not in the same stage. Not in the same level.
Yama: Yeah.
Kevin: And I was like, “Oh, shit. Oh, shit.” Maybe this, okay this is awkward. And then I was like, okay um, yeah. I gave her the number and I was like, yeah, um, interested kind of like that. And then I went back to shift and never saw her wwwww
Yama: wwwww Wow. That’s a funny story.
Kevin: I like it. I don't know what was going on there.
Yama: Why she like, freaked out like that.
Kevin: I don’t know. Maybe she really wasn't, she didn't have that feel of like, wasn't a thing, right? She didn't, she wasn't with me in that.
Yama: Yeah.
Kevin: Thing. The thing going on.
Yama: You, you sure she, she, she remain, remembers you?
Kevin: Yes.
Yama: She knows you?
Kevin: Yeah, she was like, she doesn't really like, she's not that like you know, you know how there's really friendly workers, right? She's not one of those but like, when, when I go to the cashier she's like “Oh, hey” kind of that. It was, it was pretty obvious.
Yama: Wow.
Kevin: I don't know. That happened when I was, no, somewhere in university but yeah. It's pretty funny.
Yama: You wrote your number.
Kevin: I, yeah, I think I wrote, it was either a Line ID or a number. I think it's a Line ID because it's pretty natural back then, yeah.
Yama: Wow. That's a nice try, then.
Kevin: Nice try, right?
Yama: Nice try.
Kevin: It was like I got the excitement from that.
Yama: Yeah.
Kevin: Like it was pretty like, wow.
Yama: Yeah.
Kevin: This is sometime, right? So, yeah.
Yama: Yeah.
Kevin: 11minutes.
Yama: Yeah, that was nice story.
Kevin: That was new impact episode uh, cute, right?
Yama: Yep. Wonder she's listening to this podcast.
Kevin: Oh, yeah. I wonder if she is. If and like, I wonder how she felt like what was the emotion I was going through? There's always something that you want to know.
Yama: True.
Kevin: Alright. Thanks for listening guys.
Yama: Thank you.
