

引用元:「英語で雑談!Kevin's English Room」11-02-2021

Kevin: I think the um, the 習い事 is a little, it’s similar but not exactly the same. I don't think you know, the, in the US at least you know, you wouldn't have you know, like four or she said like four or five different like 習い事s like it's not that it's at most two maybe, yeah.
Yama: Like maximum two.
Kevin: Yeah, like tennis and gymnastics something like that.
Yama: Yeah.
Kevin: It's not so like extreme to like it's not so much 本気 as well.
Yama: Yeah.
Kevin: It's more like let's move your body kinda stuff. Let's have fun, kinda style.
Yama: Club, enjoy.
Kevin: Yeah, yeah, yeah, enjoy club activity club or stuff like that. Yeah, so it's not, that's a little, that's a little different. But we right, those 習い事 we do it after school you know, and that's you pay extra money to join.
Yama: Yeah.
Kevin: So those kinds of things are similar and then the parents wants to like you know, 投資 to their kids, right? And make some you know, get their maximum potential out there.
Yama: Yeah.
Kevin: So in that aspect, that's similar.
Yama: Okay, but activities self is not that serious?
Kevin: Nope.
Yama: Just go and enjoy it.
Kevin: Yeah.
Yama: So not something like kind of invest and be a professional player.
Kevin: Yeah. Well, some parents are like that but you know, not, I don't think so. Majority of them are just like opening yourself up to new thing like find your passion, find your joy or grab fun things like that. Yeah.
Yama: Okay, okay, okay, that's also important. Yeah, compared to that in Japan, it's more like serious one. More like have to be, you have do it.
Kevin: This is for your future, right?
Yama: Yeah.
Kevin: I did swimming.
Yama: Okay.
Kevin: I did swimming, piano lessons.
Yama: Piano lessons, really?
Kevin: Oh, yeah. That's it.
Yama: Okay.
Kevin: Tennis.
Yama: Tennis, yeah. So in the United States?
Kevin: That was in Japan. Sorry, the piano and swimming was in Japan.
Yama: It was in Japan?
Kevin: The tennis was in the US.
Yama: Okay, okay.
Kevin: Yeah. It was very for very short time, though.
Yama: Yeah.
Kevin: Yeah.
Yama: Because that was only when you were in Japan.
Kevin: Yeah, yeah.
Yama: You moved back.
Kevin: Exactly.
Yama: Okay.
Kevin: And also, it didn't last like I was, I didn't, it did not show up potential. Especially piano.
Yama: Oh, really?
Kevin: Swimming, I was okay.
Yama: Okay.
Kevin: Swimming, I was like pretty fast. But like, it wasn't fun.
Yama: Swimming?
Kevin: Yeah, for me. And the piano, I just didn't have the talent to do. Did I tell you that my mother was a 調律師?
Yama: Yeah.
Kevin: So she had good ears. I think she has 絶対音感 because the teacher would be like, “What is this note?”
Yama: Yeah.
Kevin: And then my mother whispered in my ear like “That’s a D”
Yama: Yeah.
Kevin: I raise my hand “That’ a D”, I don't know if that's a if that's an educational thing if my mother tells me the answer for everything but that's what happened. “That’s a D”, “Dです”, “正解”
Yama: Okay.
Kevin: Yeah.
Yama: Tennis and swimming, piano.
Kevin: Yeah. What did you do, man?
Yama: I did swimming.
Kevin: How about like,
Yama: What? そろばん?
Kevin: Yeah.
Yama: No, I didn’t. Yeah, that's a major one in Japan. I don't know recently but swimming, football and futsal.
Kevin: Oh, wow. Very similar.
Yama: It's different.
Kevin: It's different. wwww Of course, the different, yes respect.
Yama: And piano. But it wasn't that long.
Kevin: Okay.
Yama: That was only when I was 小学校六年生 one year.
Kevin: Did you suck like me? Piano?
Yama: I liked piano.
Kevin: Oh, yeah?
Yama: I really enjoyed that. But when I entered the junior high you know, my football club was so busy. I hadn't enough time to practice and go to the piano lessons. Yeah, so I stopped it. After that 塾 of course when I was junior high.
Kevin: That's huge.
Yama: But that's all I guess.
Kevin: Is there anything you wanted to do? Looking back at it now?
Yama: Like more piano lessons.
Kevin: Now you're a music guy, so.
Yama: Yeah, or like, what about you? Do you have anything?
Kevin: そろばん? I wish I learned そろばん is that kinda suck at like calculating stuff on my head?
Yama: Well, yeah.
Kevin: Yeah, so I wish I if I was I'm like, maybe this would have changed if I learned そろばん like people with そろばん have so much skill of like, calculation things their mind something like that. I wish I had that skill.
Yama: Okay.
Kevin: Don't you think that was so convenient?
Yama: Yeah, I mean, that's, that's surprising and amazing. Yeah, that’s great.
Kevin: I don't know maybe it wouldn't have bloomed maybe like you know, the 才能 you know, but like, yeah, what a shot.
Yama: Yeah.
Kevin: Yeah?
Yama: What about programming schools recently huge, you know?
Kevin: Yeah, programming, huh. I um, when I was like, I think elementary or something I actually like, taught myself how to do programming.
Yama: Oh, elementary school?
Kevin: Yeah.
Yama: By yourself?
Kevin: Yeah.
Yama: Oh, really?
Kevin: I, in, so that was me in the US but in Japan, there was a drama called like “Bloody Monday”
Yama: Okay.
Kevin: Which was a Miura Haruma 主演 it was a, it was about a hacker.
Yama: Okay.
Kevin: Yeah, it was like a hacker saving Japan.
Yama: Saving Japan? Okay.
Kevin: Yeah, and it was so like, for me, it was like so cool. I was like “Oh, I’m gonna be a hacker” and then like I just taught myself how to do like hacking and stuff like that. That's when I got really like, 詳しい programming stuff. But I actually got to like, like, get into like people's computers.
Yama: Oh, really?!
Kevin: Yeah, and then like, like, steal something and stuff like that.
Yama: Well, really?!
Kevin: Yeah.
Yama: I mean, it's, it's hacking so it's,
Kevin: Oh, it's not like I did it to a friend's computer. I got, it's like a prank like, you can't close this file. It's the window will like continuously open forever kinda prank.
Yama: Okay.
Kevin: That did it on him like my friend was my middle school. It wasn't like a crime.
Yama: Okay, okay, okay. Wow, that's cool.
Kevin: Yeah.
Yama: What language is that? I mean,
Kevin: It's uh, I used a command prop.
Yama: Okay.
Kevin: I don't know what language it is. But it's a on, on Windows. There's a command prompt.
Yama: Okay, okay.
Kevin: And then you can like, you just search your PC using command prompts words. So I guess command prompt. Yeah.
Yama: Wow, so you're the hacker.
Kevin: Yeah.
Yama: wwwww So cute.
Kevin: Cute, right? www
Yama: Yeah, but I remember when I see some movies.
Kevin: Yeah.
Yama: Like 007.
Kevin: Yeah.
Yama: After that.
Kevin: You're gonna be a spy.
Yama: Yeah, try to hide.
Kevin: wwwww From the enemies?
Yama: Yeah, suddenly trying to see my desk under desk. Make sure there's nothing.
Kevin: No bomb something like that.
Yama: After that go to the convenience store and like, see there's no enemy behind me.
Kevin: Stop behind the shelf, right? Right before when you go on the aisle.
Yama: Like this (acting) that happens.
Kevin: It’s so cute.
Yama: Yeah, true.
Kevin: Yeah. Oh,
Yama: Oh, when I also did Hippo.
Kevin: Oh, yeah.
Yama: That’s also, it’s not 習い事 but yeah.
Kevin: But you did that from, from when you were very little, right? Yeah.
Yama: Yeah.
Kevin: All right. Thanks for listening, guys.
Yama: Thank you.
Kevin: Bye-bye.

