

引用元:「英語で雑談!Kevin's English Room」11-08-2021

Kevin: Do you remember the first time first, not the first but like the moment you're like going school in France?
Yama: Oh, when I, I asked the question is when you decide to go, right? 留学することを決めたとき
Kevin: Yeah, the one when you decided to go, yeah.
Yama: Like do you remember?
Kevin: Um, not really.
Yama: Not really?
Kevin: It didn't have like the single moment of like,
Yama: Yeah.
Kevin: Going  Japan.
Yama: Yeah.
Kevin: I just, it just built up inside me.
Yama: Actually, me too. Because I've been doing this activity call Hippo Rex, Hippo.
Kevin: Yeah.
Yama: There are so many お兄さんたち who goes to the other countries like I did. So I saw them and kinda like “Oh, they are so cool.”
Kevin: Yeah, yeah.
Yama: And yeah, those things happened like every year.
Kevin: Yeah.
Yama: So I kinda decided to try it like year a year. So it wasn't that certain(/sudden) like one moment I decided, yeah. But I remember when I wrote there is actual paper, you need to write and put it to the organization.
Kevin: Okay.
Yama: I remember when I wrote that paper.
Kevin: Yeah.
Yama: With my friend actually.
Kevin: Yeah.
Yama: We were like, we were like pushed each other and “yeah, you wrote it, you write it, you write first.” and yeah. Because we were like not you know, courage you know.
Kevin: Is that like a goal they have to set?
Yama: What?
Kevin: Is that like a goal you have to set to turn into your, oh, you mean, the um, the application form to go abroad. Okay got it, got it.
Yama: When I decided to go and you need to write a paper and put yeah, as an application form.
Kevin: Got it, got it.
Yama: Yeah.
Kevin: That moment you were nervous?
Yama: Yeah, little bit. I mean, I very much I mean.
Kevin: Yeah, yeah, because you, you chose France because it's just a furtherest.
Yama: Yeah.
Kevin: I always say furtherest. But it's actually wrong. It's for furthest.
Yama: Yeah.
Kevin: Yeah. It's the furthest, furthest from Japan.
Yama: Yeah.
Kevin: Like the language culture and.
Yama: Yeah.
Kevin: Right. Must be nervous.
Yama: Yeah, but you know, exciting at the same time but scary most of.
Kevin: Yeah.
Yama: My heart was like scary.
Kevin: Scary as in what? like you might die kind of scary or like people accept me kind of scary?
Yama: Yeah, because I know the country and you know, that this is not like dangerous country you know.
Kevin: Yeah.
Yama: It's simply like far and not knowing anything so yeah, so scary but yeah. Yeah.
Kevin: The moment I, I built up inside me, me wanting to go to Japan, so I only had excitement, right? Like I applying for the schools that I.
Yama: Yeah.
Kevin: That was only excitement. It was only like,
Yama: Hope.
Kevin: Dream stuff. I could go to Japan. イェーイ, right?
Yama: Right, because you knew the place actually.
Kevin: Yes, yes. I know, I know the culture and I’ve been several times, lived there two before so yeah, I wanted to go back there. And um, but the moment that I was most nervous was like two or three days before the first day of school, right? It was just, Oh my God.
Yama: Yeah.
Kevin: Am I gonna fit in, right? Am I gonna make friends?
Yama: Yeah.
Kevin: Like, I don't know the tactics of making friends, right? I don't know the 距離感s, right? everything like, I kind of I know but like, I wasn't sharp enough.
Yama: Yeah, of course. That's different between Japan and the united states obviously.
Kevin: Yes, yes so, I was, I was very nervous there. But um, yeah, I got I was okay.
Yama: Okay.
Kevin: It was fun.
Yama: It was fun?
Kevin: Excitement was more and yeah.
Yama: Nice.
Kevin: You start making friends with the similar people with similar backgrounds like we 帰国子女 people that entered school. I made friends with. Yeah, yeah, then the circle group from there, and yeah. All, then all happened.
Yama: Yeah, nice, nice.
Kevin: Yeah.
Yama: I remember when I went to the school at the first day.
Kevin: Yeah.
Yama: I was so nervous.
Kevin: Yeah.
Yama: And I had to take like school bus from my town to the, to the high school.
Kevin: Yeah.
Yama: And I didn't know which was the right bus. Because there’s so many bus.
Kevin: Okay.
Yama: Which go to the different schools.
Kevin: Okay.
Yama: So I had to pick the right, right bus.
Kevin: Okay.
Yama: My host mother told me that the green one.
Kevin: The green one wwwww That’s not enough for at all. The green one, Oh my God.
Yama: There is bus like blue-green bus, green bus.
Kevin: Yeah.
Yama: And wait. Is this right one? Wait, wait, wait.
Kevin: Like, is there gonna be a more greener one coming after this?
Yama: We never know. This one, this one, but yeah, I asked the driver so far is to ask if that if this is the right bus or not. Yeah, I finally find the one.
Kevin: Oh, you found the right one.
Yama: I found the right one and went to the school, yeah. But that was so, so scary.
Kevin: Yeah. Is there anything? this is probably gonna be a next episode, but like any first day, like things happens or.
Yama: Of course.
Kevin: Yeah?
Yama: Yeah, like when I first arrived in France. It was Cannes and I had to go to school. And I, when I go to the school my mother took me on the, on her bike. That was fine.
Kevin: Yeah.
Yama: After that I have to go back return to my house by myself took bus.
Kevin: Yeah.
Yama: In but I took a wrong bus. And like very wrong bus.
Kevin: Yeah.
Yama: And I went to the like opposite side and it took me like three hours to get back to my house.
Kevin: Wow.
Yama: Now it's completely alone. There were no one I mean, I couldn't speak French at all.
Kevin: Yeah.
Yama: So yeah, I was sitting in the bus waiting the bus station name, but of course the you know, it's completely different ones so,
Kevin: Yeah.
Yama: I was sitting for long, long time.
Kevin: Yeah.
Yama: We arrived at the terminal.
Kevin: Yeah.
Yama: And bus driver says “Oh, this is terminal” then “What?!”
Kevin: It’s not my home.
Yama: I don't know the place at all.
Kevin: Yeah.
Yama: And I go to the bus driver and “I want to” you know, in you know, bad French say “this is the place I wanna go” and he was like “What?! It's really far from here.” And he bring me to the right bus.
Kevin: Yeah.
Yama: And tell the bus driver to tell me to get off this station and change buses at the station and everything.
Kevin: Wow.
Yama: He was so kind, next driver was so kind. He told me that “Oh, please get off here and change that, that one”.
Kevin: Wow, that's sounds, that's kind. That’s really nice.
Yama: That was a big adventure.
Kevin: That was yeah, the huge one.
Yama: I was lost on the first day.
Kevin: You must been like frightening, scary like, yeah.
Yama: And my house mother was so like panic.
Kevin: Oh, yeah? “He is not coming” wwwww
Yama: And when I return to my house, they were like “Oh!”
Kevin: “You are back, you alive!” Okay. Thanks for listening guys.
