

引用元:「英語で雑談!Kevin's English Room Podcast」10-05-2021

Kevin: Welcome to Kevin's English Room Podcast.
Yama: Hello. Good morning.
Kevin: Good, another good morning.
Yama: Is it hot here?
Kevin: It's a little hot here and just sweating my bottom. Oh yeah. Oh, thank you, thank you this brown tissue that I've never seen anywhere in the store. Where did they sell these brown tissues?
Yama: 無印
Kevin: 無印?
Yama: Yeah.
Kevin: I don't use 無印 that much.
Yama: That little natural you know, than make it white.
Kevin: Oh, so what? This is, this is, you're saying this is more legit?
Yama: I mean,
Kevin: Is that, is that your claim?
Yama: No, it's a little bit more organic.
Kevin: More organic okay, whatever you say.
Yama: I have a topic today.
Kevin: Oh, okay.
Yama: I really Just wanna say this that I uh, my backpack you remember my backpack, the black one?
Kevin: Yeah.
Yama: That I always carry.
Kevin: Yeah, yeah, yeah, I remember the North Face.
Yama: Yeah, the North Face.
Kevin: Yeah, I know.
Yama: Was stolen.
Kevin: Oh my god!! What?!
Yama: The whole my backpack was stolen yesterday.
Kevin: What?! That is some, Oh my gosh.
Yama: That was unbelievable.
Kevin: Got damn. Okay, okay. Let's just there's a lot of questions I have to ask you. Let's just, so yesterday.
Yama: Yesterday I was you know, after recording I, after the shooting.
Kevin: The YouTube, yeah.
Yama: I went to the riverside.
Kevin: Okay, okay, riverside.
Yama: With my friend and we were eating some food.
Kevin: Right. Dinner.
Yama: At riverside, yeah. We were chatting and I wanted to go to the bathroom. So we went to the bathroom. It was just, just like five minutes.
Kevin: Right.
Yama: And there's like no one and there's little you know, not the crowded place.
Kevin: Yeah, like a 鴨川 not a 鴨川 like uh, yeah.
Yama: Place. Well you know, it was kind of my fault, of course. I left the bag like five minutes.
Kevin: Yeah.
Yama: With obento. But when I return to the place, there's only obento left but not the backpack.
Kevin: Oh my god.
Yama: It's completely gone.
Kevin: Oh my god. Okay.
Yama: And yeah.
Kevin: So you were, how many friends were you there with?
Yama: Me and just one.
Kevin: One. So you two both left?
Yama: Yeah.
Kevin: To go the bathroom?
Yama: Yeah.
Kevin: Got it. So, no one was at the scene.
Yama: Yeah, yes.
Kevin: Oh my god.
Yama: I mean, it was my fault that I left my backpack alone that is true. But still, you know, we didn't you know,
Kevin: Still though, right?
Yama: Yeah.
Kevin: You didn't, no one was there?
Yama: Yeah.
Kevin: You didn't expect anyone to come.
Yama: Of course. I, we just over trust Japanese.
Kevin: Yeah.
Yama: You know, peace.
Kevin: Yeah, okay, so what was in it?
Yama: Fortunately, I brought up my wallet.
Kevin: Oh, good, that's good.
Yama: And my phone.
Kevin: Your phone, okay.
Yama: And my Pasmo with me.
Kevin: They were all with you?
Yama: Yeah.
Kevin: At the time.
Yama: So that was good side.
Kevin: What did you lose?
Yama: The backpack.
Kevin: The itself backpack self, okay.
Yama: Yep, and um, the recorder you know, remember the recorder.
Kevin: No!! Oh my god, no! What!?
Yama: Yeah, the recorder itself.
Kevin: So the it's the ASMR recorder.
Yama: Yeah.
Kevin: We just bought, we just bought, right? It was Yama-chan’s.
Yama: I bought like 2days or 3days ago.
Kevin: Oh my god.
Yama: That and also the some 通帳
Kevin: 通帳?!
Yama: Yeah, and
Kevin: Okay, okay.
Yama: 通帳 and card.
Kevin: Oh, God.
Yama: So,
Kevin: Wait, so if somebody has the 通帳 and the card, is that enough? No?
Yama: Not enough.
Kevin: You need a Pin code.
Yama: Pin codes and or like 印鑑 maybe.
Kevin: Okay.
Yama: But anyways, we, we stopped.
Kevin: Got it, that's a good idea.
Yama: Everything immediately.
Kevin: Yeah, that's a good idea.
Yama: So, okay. And actually, nothing that special inside importantly.
Kevin: Nothing irreplaceable.
Yama: Yeah.
Kevin: Okay.
Yama: I mean, yeah, nothing like expensive that other than that, because uh, the bottle of water.
Kevin: That's nothing.
Yama: Which you know, I put in the tea bag.
Kevin: That’s not necessarily.
Yama: Yeah.
Kevin: You don't, you can, I'll throw that away for you. Even if you were there.
Yama: And the pack of nuts like this big you know.
Kevin: That was a huge, that was a huge pack of nuts. It was like five year worth of food for squirrels you know.
Yama: True, yeah. And some medicines little medicines of mine and I guess that's all.
Kevin: Any uh, like uh, calendar thing?
Yama: No.
Kevin: No? That was not there with you?
Yama: Because I didn't bring my 手帳
Kevin: Got it, got it, lucky. One time you got lucky.
Yama: Yeah, so true. So that happened yesterday to me and I called to the police station and went to the police station and do so many things after that.
Kevin: Yeah, right.
Yama: Back to my house and that's all.
Kevin: But did your friend, did he get stolen too?
Yama: No, no, no.
Kevin: He didn't leave his bag? Got it.
Yama: Brought everything so.
Kevin: Wow. What was the most expensive item there? Was the backpack?
Yama: I guess the backpack or the recorder that two. But yeah. And I called the police station.
Kevin: Yeah.
Yama: And the nearest police station was just five minutes away. And he told me that all right, I'm gonna, I'm gonna be coming, so please wait there. But 10 minutes later, 15 minutes later, no one came. I was like you know, the police station is just five minutes from there. So we just walked there.
Kevin: Yeah.
Yama: And “hello, knock, knock, hello. Is there anybody?” but there's no one so I recalled a police station from the police station. And there is a little uh, I guess that was maybe 本部の 本部? 本部 and, oh, he told me one police is coming to the place the actual place.
Kevin: Yeah.
Yama: So please go back to the, to the place and please just wait. Okay, okay. We've been waiting for like 15 minutes or 20 minutes already, but get back. And then one police man came.
Kevin: Yeah.
Yama: And he was kind of young.
Kevin: Okay.
Yama: And he, he was like,
Kevin: Okay, a little,
Yama: Like No,
Kevin: Okay.
Yama: You guys.
Kevin: Youngster, okay.
Yama: He told me that oh, I'm actually new here.
Kevin: Okay.
Yama: Actually lost. So, I'm so sorry. I took like 20 minutes. I'm finally here. So please, please be safe. Okay. Oh, wow, okay. And he told me that you know there is some like, they asked something like so many information.
Kevin: Yeah.
Yama: And “what is your job?” he asked me and I answered like “um, kind of IT thing” because I said that and he replied, “Wow, IT! I'm jealous of that. So you must be professional computing or” and “Yeah”. He was so funny and that's,
Kevin: Like I mean, IT itself isn't a very like rare, rare job you know, like I wouldn't consider that as like, if you, if you hear somebody working on "Oh, I'm working in IT", "Oh, okay. Sure" like the software company,
Yama: Yeah,
Kevin: Whatever, like developer or whatever, right? programmer, I don't know but,
Yama: Yeah.
Kevin: For him, it was really astonishing “Wow, IT!”
Yama: Near like “what is your name?” and I answered my name and “um, uh, how did you write kanji?” “Okay, it is, Yama as like Mount Fuji” and everything but “um, uh…” I type on my phone showed him “あぁそっちか” What do you mean そっちか?
Kevin: Wow.
Yama: So that was really,
Kevin: Okay, okay.
Yama: He was so funny.
Kevin: That’s fun for him.
Yama: Yeah.
Kevin: Oh, my gosh. I'm so sorry about that, man.
Yama: Yeah.
Kevin: I hope your backpack gets found.
Yama: Yeah.
Kevin: Probably some bicycle dude? Bicycle person just came across and just jacked it and then ran.
Yama: Yeah.
Kevin: Do you think about running?
Yama: Running?
Kevin: Yeah. Running and finding that robber?
Yama: No, I haven't ever done to the place. It's just gone and.
Kevin: You had no idea which to look, right?
Yama: Yeah, just look around but.
Kevin: Oh, God.
Yama: Well, nothing special was inside.
Kevin: That's the yeah, so blessing.
Yama: Not like cash.
Kevin: Yeah.
Yama: Like those things.
Kevin: Something too valuable.
Yama: Yeah, it stopped the whole card and things so.
Kevin: Yeah.
Yama: Hope backpack will be back, but.
Kevin: Right. Hope you find your stuff, man.
Yama: Yeah, the water.
Kevin: Wat- yeah, not the water and nuts and the water.
Yama: Yeah, too sad.
Kevin: Yeah, well, let's just hope for the best.
Yama: Yeah.
Kevin: All right. Thanks for listening guys.
