

はじめまして。ワールドスポーツコミュニティ株式会社です。初めてnoteを投稿します。これを書いているのは2020年4月6日です。日本を含め、世界中で新型コロナウイルス感染症 (COVID-19)の被害がとても深刻であり、日々の生活含め、仕事、レジャー、さまざまなシーンで影響が出ている中で、海外スポーツに携わる自分たちには何が出来るかを考えに考え抜いて決めたことがあります。何年後かにこのnoteを見返したときに、このときの気持を忘れない為にもこのnoteに残しておきます。この声を1チームでも多くの世界のスポーツクラブ、1人でも多くのスポーツファンに届けたいです。

A project, the circle of support for the foreign sports clubs

Nice to meet you everyone. We are World Sports Community ,Inc. This is the first time to post on note. It is 6th of April, 2020 that I write here. Including Japan, the damages of coronavirus is very serious all over the world. While it has been affecting in the various scene such as our daily life, jobs, leisure, we have thought through what could we do as the people work on the foreign sports and decided. When we would look back this note few year later, we left it on this note not to forget the feelings at this time. I hope our voice reach as many sports clubs as possible also so many sports fans as possible.


私たちワールドスポーツコミュニティ株式会社は海外スポーツサービス専門会社としてFor All Sports Fans という経営理念のもと、日本のスポーツをさらに盛り上げるひとつの手段として海外スポーツ(観戦・参加・挑戦・教育・etc)を日本のスポーツファンに提供してきました。2020年4月時点で創業13期目ですが、今でも大好きな海外スポーツを日々大変ながらも仕事にできているのは海外スポーツ(クラブスタッフ、選手、ファン、すべての関係者の努力によって)が存続しているおかげです。

This is the company specializing world sports service

Our company, World Sports Community,Inc is specializing in world sports event For All Sports Fans as our management philosophy. One of the method to raise Japanese sports more, we have been supplying world sports (watching games, participation, challenge, education etc…) for Japanese sports fans. It has been 13 years since the business starts on April 2020. Thanks to the world sports (the club staffs, players, fans and all the people surrounded those sports who work so hard) that we could work on the world sports which I love although it is very tough everyday.



We would love to save as many foreign clubs as possible

In this situation, (April 6th, 2020) we have heard some shocking news that some sports club in the world could go bankrupt. Until today we are here because of the sports so if the clubs would be in a tough situation, we would like to help. It was just a simple reason.



To use Crowdfunding

What can we do? It is difficult to focus those clubs which need any helps for providing fund directly and it is not possible to solute with our capacity of fund. However, we think that using Crowdfunding might be the bridge between sports fans who want to support the clubs and the club and it might be a breath of fresh air for the sports world so we decided to carry out the project that utilizing crowdfunding for supporting the sports clubs. It is not only the biggest purpose to get fund and return to the clubs but also there is nothing so happy if we can help for them to get more than ever fans.



More specific method of the support

If the world sports club agreed with our project, they would have to provide the return and when the fans purchased the return, the fund would be the activity costs for the clubs.

海外スポーツクラブへコンタクト中(アメリカ・フランス・イタリア・スペイン・イングランド・オーストラリア・ブラジル etc )

現在(2020年4月6日時点)、競技問わず世界中のスポーツクラブへこの取り組み 説明を順次していますが、状況が状況だけにクラブ機能がストップしているクラブもあり、すべての海外スポーツクラブにこの声が届いていません。現時点では具体的なチーム名は明かすことができませんが、日本代表の選手が所属していたこともあるヨーロッパのサッカークラブからもこの取り組みに賛同していただける声をいただいています。1チームでも多くのクラブへこの取り組みをしていただきたいので、ぜひこのnoteを皆さんに拡散していただきたいです。

We are making contacts to the world sports club(to United States, France, Italy, Spain, England, Australia, Brasil, etc..)

Recently, ( April 6th, 2020) we have been contacting the all kinds of sports clubs and explaining about this project but the bad situation made some clubs stop the activity so not every clubs could get this voice. We cannot tell the names of the teams right now but one of the soccer teams in Europe which the player representing Japan had belonged to, has agreed with this project. Because we would love the clubes to do this project as many as possible, please spread this note to everyone.


とはいえ、この取り組みに賛同していただいているクラブもいくつかあり、このような取り組みは素晴らしい!と言っていただき、◯◯◯クラブにもこの取り組みを紹介していいですか?  という声をいただきました。まさにこれが支援の輪プロジェクトの理想の流れであり、私達一社では本当に微力ですが、日頃ライバルの各クラブがこの取り組みを一緒に盛り上げようと協力し合うことはこれからのスポーツ界にとって希望の光でしかありません。このつらく厳しい状況下で自分たちのクラブだけが助かろうという気持ちが一切なく他のクラブにも紹介したいというこの思いを絶対に無駄にしてはいけない、と心に深く刻みました。

To extend the circle of the support

Although, there are some clubs which have agreed with the project and some of them told us “This kind of project is amazing! Could we introduce it to other club?” This is what we wish for the idea of the supporting project and our company is just a little power. However, it is a ray of hope for the future sports world to raise the project and help each other even if they are usually the rivals. Even though it is hard time, they never had selfish thoughts and they wanted to share the project. We would never waste their mind.


海外スポーツクラブが存続しなければスポーツファン(個人・法人問わず)が楽しみにしている試合も選手との交流も何もできなくなってしまいます。色々な方法でスポーツクラブ、リーグを盛り上げることができるかと思います。その中のひとつの方法として私達の取り組みにぜひ賛同していただけるのであれば、このnoteをひとりでも多くのクラブ、関係者、スポーツファンに届けていただきたいです。 この支援の輪が世界中に広がり、スポーツ界に活気が戻ることを心の底から願い、また私達自身も全力で活動します。

To ask the fans a favor

If the world sports clubs did not last, you (regardless personal or corporate) would not be able to enjoy the games, communicate with the players and anything else. There are. a lot of ways to raise the clubs and the leagues. If you are favor of our project as one of them, I would like you to tell it to the clubs, staffs and the fans as many as you can. We hope this circle of the support will be spread all over the world and the sports world to return energy, also we work very hard.



Crowdfunding Cite

Currently, we are in production so when we are ready, we will post on this note too.
