📕福沢諭吉.1899「新女大学(段落14/24)」時事新報. 翻訳&AI訳.
五人の娘の父🖋️福沢諭吉 - 遺作が諭吉&お金(妻、キン)逝去後🇯🇵禁書、、、に👨🎤👨🦳🧔♂️誰がした⁉️
📸The title picture shows Fukuzawa Yukichi's five daughters - appeared on the homepage of "Fukuzawa Kinenkan" on October 20, 2020. - later disappeared as accessed on October 20, 2024
【旧仮名遣い】 福澤諭吉 『新女大学』. 1899. 原文段落14 of 24
一 文字の如く舅姑は舅姑にして嫁は嫁なり。元来親に非ず子に非ざれば、其親子に非ざる真実の真面目に従て和合の法を講ずるこそ人情の本来なれ。我輩の特に注意する所のものなり。之を近づくれば固より相引き之を遠ざけても益ますます相引かんとするは夫婦の間なれども、之を近づくれば常に相衝つき之を遠ざくれば却て相引かんとするは舅姑と嫁との間なり。故に女子結婚の上は夫婦共に父母を離れて別に新家を設くるこそ至当なれども、結婚の法一様ならず、家の貧富、職業の事情も同じからざれば、結婚必ず別門戸は行われ難しとするも、せめて新夫婦が竈かまどを別にする丈けは我輩の飽くまでも主張する所なり。例えば家の相続男子に嫁を貰うか、又は娘に相続の養子する場合にも、新旧両夫婦は一家に同居せずして、其一組は近隣なり又は屋敷中の別戸なり、又或は家計の許さゞることあらば同一の家屋中にても一切の世帯を別々にして、詰る所は新旧両夫婦相触るゝの点を少なくすること至極の肝要なり。新婦の為めに老夫婦は骨肉の父母に非ざる尚なお其上に、年齢も異なり、衣服飲食百般の事に就て思想好嗜こうしの同じからざるは当然の事にして、其異なる所のものをして相互に触れしむるときは、自然の約束に従て相衝かざるを得ず。都すべて是れ双方の感情を害する媒介たるに反し、遠く相離れて相互に見るが如く見ざるが如くして、相互に他の内事秘密に立入らざれば、新旧恰も独立して自から家計経営の自由を得るのみならず、其遠ざかるこそ相引くの道にして、遠目に見れば相互に憎からず、舅姑と嫁との間も知らず識らず和合して、家族団欒の幸福敢て期す可し。即ち新夫婦相引く者をして益ますます引かしめ、新旧相衝くの患うれいを避けて遠く相引かしむるの法なり。世間無数の老人夫婦が倅せがれに嫁を迎え娘に養子を貰い、無理に一家の中に同居して時に衝突を起せば、乃すなわち言く、是れ程に手近く傍に置て優しく世話するにも拘らず動ややもすれば不平の色ありとて、愚痴を洩す者多し。毎度聞く所なれども、何ぞ計らん、其その手近くせられて優しきお世話を蒙るこそ苦痛の種なれ。畢竟人の罪に非ず、習慣の然らしむる所にして、新旧夫婦共に自から不愉快と知りながら、近く相接して自から苦しむ。居家法の最も拙なるものと言う可し。
《リンクあり→福澤諭吉.「女大学評論・新女大学」. (林望監修, 講談社学術文庫, 1899/2000)p.102》
買わずに読むなら www.aozora.gr.jp で閲覧可 ☞☞☞リンクあり
【標準日本語、敗戦後版】福澤諭吉 『新女大学』. 1899. 段落14 of 24.
【DeepL Pro 訳版】 Yukichi Fukuzawa. 1899. Shin Onna Daigaku; New Women’s Life Principles - Installment 14 of 24 "Live and Let Live; Respect Respective Household's Way of Life".
As the saying goes, “Live and Let Live". Since in-laws are strangers to brides. Respecting each other's way of life is the most humane and compassionate way to deal with bride and in-law disagreements. In my own life (as a father of nine children, married and unmarried), this is something I pay particular attention to. Married couples get along well when they are close, and they are attracted to each other again when they are far apart. But what doesn't happen is the relationship between parents-in-law and daughter-in-law; if they are close, they clash, but if they are far apart, they remain calm.
Therefore, it is appropriate for a couple to live in separate houses, away from each other's parents when they get married. I am aware that there are many different forms of marriage, and that not all people can afford a new home, since there are many different types of marriages, and economic and professional circumstances vary widely. However, I insist that the new couple should at least have a separate kitchen and hearth from the old couple. For example, even if a bride comes to live with a male heir or a daughter adopts a male heir, the new couple and the old couple should not live together in one house, and one of them should live in the neighborhood or in a separate building in the house, or in the same house if their economic power does not allow it. In other words, the new couple and the new housemate should be clearly distinguished from the old couple. In short, it is extremely important to reduce the points of contact between the new couple and the old couple.
Again, the new couple and the old couple are not related by blood. Moreover, they are of different ages. Therefore, it is only natural that they would not have the same ideas and tastes in all aspects of clothing and food and drink. It is so obvious that it is a matter of nature that when two people who are so different from each other are brought into contact with each other, they will inevitably clash. All of this is a medium for emotional harm on both sides, and if they are far enough away from each other that they can see each other or not, they will not enter each other's private sphere. If the young couple and the old couple have separate household accounts, each is free to manage the household as they wish. Since it is logical for them to attract each other because they are far away from each other, they can avoid hating each other from a distance, and the parents-in-law and daughter-in-law can unwittingly get along well with each other, resulting in happy moments during reunions. The new couple will be attracted to each other more and more, and they can avoid the worry of clashing with the old couple, and because they are estranged from each other, they can be friendly when they meet.
Countless elderly couples in the world have a son-in-law and a daughter-in-law, forcing them to live together and sometimes causing conflicts. Many of them are forced to live together and sometimes clash with each other. I hear this every time, but what can I say, that “taking care of them gently in such close proximity” is itself a source of pain. After all, they are not the problem of the person concerned, but a consequence of convention. And yet, many young and old couples still live close together and see each other frequently, aware of the discomfort, and invite their own suffering. Such a way of life is childish.
(Title title picture shows Fukuzawa Yukichi's five daughters - appeared on the homepage of "Fukuzawa Kinenkan" on October 20, 2020. ; subsequently disappeared per the “note” author’s access on October 20, 2024)
母も父も、祖父も祖母も次世代に伝えてこなかったが、確かにあった究極の明治時代版の「女の子はどう生きるか(21世紀版は、上野千鶴子著、リンクあり) 、を福澤諭吉が書いていたとは。あのさあ、ちゃんと読書しろよ「オノレ」。不幸な専業主婦見て学び「結婚しねえ」という慧眼をもち、「女も人ですか」と問い続けたフェミニスト研究者たちにゃマジ脱帽。結婚制度がどんな個人をも幸せにしないということを、若年女性としてすでに理解していた研究者らの、実になんと多いことか。彼女たちの秀でた著作が数多ありながら、何をしてきたのだ「オノレ」、己の頭をポカスカ殴る。「オノレ」も日本で嫁になったバカの一人、学生時代も社会人時代も、優れた著述に触れる努力怠り、フワフワバリバリ恋に資格に学業仕事し暮らした空っぽ「オノレ」の愚鈍さに呆れる。「嫁」=「家畜小屋で飼うメスブタ」という部首で成り立つ漢字だって、小学校で習ったか?
A translator/note.com writer's murmur:
Yukichi Fukuzawa (1835-1901) was a father of five daughters, an educator, a writer, and a translator, appeared on Japan's 10,000-yen bill between 1984-2024. The original writing of "Shin Onna Daigaku; New Women’s Life Principles" was published in 1899; two years prior to Yukichi's passing in 1901. This book was officially banned by Japanese governmental university scholars after Yukichi's death, and remained untranslated, or illegible by modern Japanese language learners born after 1930's. First translation into Modern Japanese language was published in 2020 (see below for further references).
【References / 出典】
福澤諭吉. 1899/2000.「女大学評論・新女大学」. 林望監修. 講談社学術文庫. 講談社.p118-. the website link below was accessed on October 9, 2024
青空文庫. 2006. 福澤諭吉「女大学評論・新女大学」. Accessed on June 26th , 2024. 親本:「福澤諭吉全集 第六巻」. 1959. 岩波書店、初出:「時事新報」1899から連載. 時事新報社
福澤諭吉. 1899/2000.「女大学評論・新女大学」. Accessed on June 29th, 2024.
北康利.2007.「福澤諭吉 ー 国を支えて国を頼らず」.講談社. Tokyo, Japan. p323-324
西澤直子. Naoko Nishizawa. 2011. "福澤諭吉と女性: Fukuzawa Yukichi and Women". p189-244.
小室正紀編.2013."近代日本と福澤諭吉".慶應義塾大学出版会. Tokyo, Japan. p47-67
【翻訳の手順: Translation performed using Deepl.com, in the order of;】
→Japanese 1 (original writing in ancient Japanese language; illegible for modern/standard Japanese language users)
→translated into English 1, using DeepL Pro (DeepL.com)
→translated into standard Japanese 2, using DeepL Pro (DeepL.com)
→edited by a “note” writer (adding objects, subjects, verbs, tense, postpositional particles, auxiliary verbs, etc.)
→translated into English 2, using DeepL Pro/Write(DeepL.com)
→"re-re-"edited by the "note" article writer.