


★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ 第759号


今日から10月ですねぇ~。 (^ー^)






TIME September 25, 2023 Issue 第三弾 WORLD/ The View Essay



◆"What Prigozhin's end says about Russia"
By Simon Sebag Montefiore

ロシア民間軍事会社「ワグネル」の創設者エフゲニー・プリゴジン氏が8月23日「謎の」飛行機墜落事故で死亡したことについて。 (・o・;)

When a jet carrying Yevgeny Prigozhin - the billionaire oligarch, catering tycoon, mercenary chieftain, and recent mutineer - crashed in Augst, the only surprise was that the interval between his june mutiny and his death was so long.


But, the predictability of baroque violence in Russian court politics does not make it less shocking when it actually happens.

ただ、実際に「それ」が起こってみれば、ロシア政治界で発生する、いびつなバロック調の暴力について予想すること自体はそれほどショッキングなことでもない。 (-_-;)

■プリゴジン氏の興亡が意味すること― ロシアの歴史上 繰り返されていること。

The rise and fall of Prigozhin reveals many threads that run throughout Russian history and remain acutely relevant now. It also chronicles the depletion of autocratic prestige, state power, and competent management, and it further raises the threat of the disintegration of Russia itself.

独裁者の威信、国家の力そして統治能力が衰えていくこと。国の崩壊への道 (?_?)

Russian rulers are accustomed to face rebellions and crush them but they generally did so with considerably more elan - and more vivid violence.


Peter the Great rushed back from his Great Embassy to Europe to torture thousands of rebel musketeers in specially - constructed torture chambers. His own son plotted against him and then defected, escaping to Vienna in 1716. Peter lured him back promising security -and then tortured him to death.

*反乱に加担したとして、息子アレクセイも、拷問して獄中死させたというピョートル大帝(Peter the Great)

Catherine the Great unleashed her generals to crush the Pugachev rebellion - they sailed floating gallows down the Volga.


Nicholas I facing the mutiny of elite Guards regiments in the streets of Petersburg bombarded them with artillery.


■ 裏切り者には「死」(-_-)ウーム

Every autocrat identifies totally with the state: Putin does not need to choose
between state and personal betrayal. But treason is even more bitter if the traitor is a personal friend and protégé like Prigozhin.


No matter how close the traitor, the traitor had to die.

The rebellion of June 23 this year crossed every line. It was a humiliation for the President.
Not just the personal betrayal of Putin's protégé on whom he and the state had showered billions but also a political betrayal that exposed to the world the incompetence and corruption of Putin's command and conduct of the war.

  • cross every line: 超えてはならない一線(やってはならないこと)をことごとく超える。


■ And war grinds on.... そして、戦争は続いていく

Here the President and officials of a huge empire and powerful nuclear-armed intergalactic modern state conspired to liquidate one of their own intimates, behaving like narco-trafficantes or the cutthroats of a small town in Renaissance Italy.



Putin is damaged, yet a weakened tyrant can rule for a long time.

弱った独裁者でも長く君臨することができる。 (-_-)ウーム

今回は、このへんで。 (^-^)

