






I hear Costa Rica is the happiest country in the world.
It might be one of them. probably.
I think, I always feel like the Scandinavian countries are the happiest, like Finland
and Norway.
but people are generally pretty happy here in Costa Rica.
it's a developing country.
So it doesn't have the infrastructure can be not so good.
We don't have a main roads are paved, but we have a lot of dirt roads.

but for the most part, it's very beautiful country.
It's tropical.
We have tropical, lots of different environments, lots of different ecosystems, but we have mountains, we have volcanoes, there are earthquakes here. 
We have tropical jungle and waterfalls and amazing, like exotic animals that are around and tons and tons of beautiful beaches.
the pace of life is slow.
It's a very small country and it's a very small population.
I think Costa Rica probably less than a million people in the whole country, right?
Which there's like over 30 million just in Tokyo. So it's a little different.


this year, there is a presidential election in the US.
So, your state, Ohio, which prefers Biden or Trump?
I don't know. 
I don't vote in that state.
my last residence was in Seattle, Washington.
so I vote from that state.
it tends to be a little more progressive, a little more liberal in politics.
so usually leans Democratic in Washington, the West coast in general. 
Or like Oregon and California and Washington, mostly vote Democratic. So I think they all voted for Biden last time.
we'll see. I don't know. It's pretty crazy right now.
And  I'm glad I'm not there.
but it's worrisome for the whole world. I think definitely.


A few days ago, there was a gubernatorial election in Tokyo.
Do you have the results yet?
Of course. The current governor won.
She is in her third term.
So it's a woman.
You are right. The governor is a woman.
I would vote for her too.
among Japanese people, so many governors are men, not women.
Nice. Good for her.






