
私が人生でやりたいこと(What I want to do in my life )【英作文】





What I want to do in my life (英語ver.)

    I would like to work in a job that can stay close to people's emotional pain such as a psychological counselor.
    After I graduating from a university, I spent one year as a part-time worker because I wanted to think seriously about what I wanted to do in my life.Then,I realized that I am interested in human psychology especially because I like the strength of people in terms of living each day to the fullest even though they have worries.
    While I like to talk with people now, I was ordinarily introverted in my childhood.I was too sensitive to be able to talk to anyone, so my parents were very worried about it. When I was a junior high school student, I broke out of my shell, and I was able to talk to many people. Consequently, I came to make a lot of friends.Through this experience in my student life, I began to think about human relationships rather than studying and enjoying club activities.Since I have struggled a lot with it in my life, I became good at understanding people's feelings.
    For these reasons, in the future, I would like to work in a job that can stay close to people's emotional pain. Also, I want to be a considerate person who is easy to talk with.

※ まず自分で英作文を書いて、そのあと英語ができる人に添削してもらいました。


  • stay close to~     ~にぴったり寄り添う

  • such as~     ~のような(前に述べた物事の具体例を挙げるときに使う)

  • in terms of~     ~に関して  

  • live each day to the fullest     毎日を精一杯生きる

  • even though    にも関わらず(事実に基づく話をするとき≒ even if 仮定の話)

  • while~     ~する一方で

  • introvert     <形><名>内向的な  <他動>内に向ける

  • too … to ~     …すぎて~できない

  • come to~    ~するようになる

  • A  rather than  B    BよりもむしろA

  • become good at ~ing    ~が得意になる
