

Which country is the best to start a new company online?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best country to start a new online company depends on various factors such as your target market, the type of business, regulations, taxation, and available resources. However, some countries are known to be more business-friendly than others. Some popular choices include:

1. Estonia: Estonia's e-residency program allows entrepreneurs to easily start and manage an online business from anywhere in the world. The country has a supportive startup ecosystem, low taxes, and business-friendly regulations.




How long does it take to earn $100 from scratch? How to do it?

The time it takes to earn $100 from scratch depends on various factors, such as your skills, the opportunities available to you, your location, and your willingness to put in the effort. Here are a few ideas to earn $100:Freelance work: Depending on your skills, you can offer freelance services in areas like writing, graphic design, programming, or social media management. The time it takes to earn $100 will depend on your expertise and the rates you charge.
Gig economy jobs: You can sign up for gig economy platforms like Uber, Lyft, or DoorDash. The time it takes to earn $100 will depend on the demand in your area and the number of hours you work.
Odd jobs: Offer to do odd jobs for neighbors or friends, such as lawn mowing, house cleaning, or babysitting. Depending on the rates you charge and the jobs you secure, it could take a few hours to a few days to earn $100.
Sell items: You can sell items you no longer need or make and sell handmade products on platforms like eBay, Etsy, or Facebook Marketplace. The time it takes to earn $100 will depend on the demand for your items and how quickly they sell.
Online surveys and tasks: Sign up for websites that pay you for completing surveys or small tasks, such as Amazon Mechanical Turk or Swagbucks. Earning $100 this way may take longer, as these tasks usually pay small amounts.
Tutoring: Offer tutoring services in a subject you're knowledgeable in. Depending on your rates and the number of students you can find, you may be able to earn $100 in a few hours or days.

Remember that success in these ventures depends on your skills, the demand for the service or product you provide, and the effort you put in. Keep in mind that any new venture may take time to gain traction, and the time it takes to earn $100 may vary.

What is odd job?

An odd job is a small, temporary, or irregular task or piece of work, often done for pay. Odd jobs are usually simple tasks that someone needs help with and are willing to pay someone else to do. They can be one-time tasks or short-term projects that do not require long-term commitment or specialized skills.

Examples of odd jobs include:Lawn mowing, yard work, or gardening
House cleaning or organizing
Babysitting or pet sitting
Painting or minor home repairs
Assembling furniture or helping with moving
Running errands, such as grocery shopping or picking up items

Odd jobs can be a good way to earn extra income, gain experience in different fields, or fill gaps in your schedule between other work commitments. People often find odd jobs through word of mouth, local advertisements, or online platforms like TaskRabbit or Craigslist.

