
今日の英語ニュースから [2023.01.09]

PBS News Weekend Jan. 8, 2023
この番組には英語字幕がついていますが、誤りや省略が少なくありません。約30分の番組ですが、実際に英語をすべて聞いて、誤りなどを訂正し、私が気になった語句の説明などを加えて、字幕ファイルを作りました(訂正箇所は小文字表記、書き加えた説明は[*   ] )。

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[00:00] 冒頭のトップニュース

[02:08] バイデン大統領 国境の街訪問

[03:23] as we said, this is sort of the second shoe this week. [* second shoe 「2つ目の靴」。(前の出来事から当然起こるべくして起きた)2つ目の出来事、次の展開。 < to wait for the other shoe to drop = (idiomatic) To await a seemingly inevitable event, especially one that is not desirable. (Wiktionaryにこの表現の詳しい起源あり) ]

[05:22] But the facts are that Title 42, the deportation policy, initially only applied to people coming from the Northern Triangle or people coming -- migrants coming from Mexico. [*Northern Triangle < The Northern Triangle of Central America (NTCA) is a term used in the United States to refer collectively to the three Central American countries of Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador. The term is used with respect to the countries' economic integration, and their shared challenges, including widespread poverty, violence, and corruption, which have prompted many to become refugees fleeing the three nations. (Wikipedia)]

[07:53] 今日のその他のニュース

[10:50] Damar Hamlinの命を救ったNFLの医療チーム

[12:16] And this is something that's jointly agreed upon by the NFL and NFL PA [* PA=Players Association]

[16:01]★今日のおすすめ★ 孤独を感じる米国人増加と健康への影響

[21:01] This is another big change we've seen since the 1970s is that these so-called third places, [* third place 「3つ目の場所」= In sociology, the third place refers to the social surroundings that are separate from the two usual social environments of home ("first place") and the workplace ("second place"). Examples of third places include churches, cafes, clubs, public libraries, bookstores and parks. (Wikipedia) 人と関わる場所の1つ目が家庭、2つ目が職場。3つ目の場所は、教会、カフェ、同好会、図書館、本屋、公園など] places that people would meet with other friends like bowling leagues [* bowling league = A bowling league is a group event where several teams bowl against each other over the course of a season. ... (Wikipedia) ] and so on, these kinds of things have gone away in the modern day.

[21:35] 移民が語る移民を受け入れる意義

[21:51] I lived under almost four or five different immigration statuses, including DACA, which is the deferred action for childhood arrival program that the Obama administration created. [* DACA (Wikipedia) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deferred_Action_for_Childhood_Arrivals  https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/若年移民に対する国外強制退去の延期措置]


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