
★Molly Zuckerman-Hartung

born in 1975 in Los Gatos, CA, and lives and works in Connecticut
She received her MFA in 2007 from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago.
is an American painter from Olympia, Washington. Since 2015 she has been faculty in Painting and Printmaking at the Yale School of Art.

Zuckerman-Hartung's style is characterized by experimentation and attention to materials and casualist techniques.[13] In a review of "Queen", a show with Dana DeGiulio at Manhattan's Lyles and King gallery, the New York Times called Zuckerman-Hartung's work "a firestorm of techniques and effects: bleaching, dyeing, staining and sewing linen, silk and humble dropcloths".[4] Hyperallergic remarked that "her abstract paintings often extend above the surface and outside the frame" and reflect "a deep engagement with process, material, and with painting’s long history."[14]

Molly Zuckerman-Hartung continues a deeply inquisitive exploration of painting as a primary practice, investigating its material raptures, intellectual speed-bumps, and conceptual limits.
simultaneously has an adoring relationship with paint—its gooey, viscous, repulsive, sexy physicalityand is also instinctively skeptical of its fetishistic power. Working abstractly, in relatively small scale, she reaches into a deep trick-bag, pouring, spraying, incising, collaging, assemblaging, linking, amputating, and otherwise thoroughly working and reworking her canvases. An earlier interest in modernist geometry has been subsumed in a much wider array of effects, blasting open cubist facets and placing them in an explosive array of textures, colors, and even images.
(DL: 絵の具の粘着性、反発性、セクシーな身体性に憧れを抱くと同時に、そのフェティッシュな力に対して本能的に懐疑的である。抽象的で比較的小さなスケールで制作する彼女は、深いトリックバッグに手を入れ、キャンバスを注ぎ、スプレーし、切り込み、コラージュ、アセンブル、リンク、切断など、徹底的に加工し、作り直します。モダニズムの幾何学への関心は、より幅広い効果に包含され、キュビスムのファセットを爆破し、テクスチャー、色、イメージの爆発的な配列の中にそれらを配置します。)


