BBTAG Character Overview (made by Bojack) 日本語文字起こし:RWBY,その他シリーズ編



RWBY does make its first fighting game appearance here in bbtag. all the
characters have a form of semblance which will affect their gameplay in various another ways. 



ruby rose is a jack of all trades character who has strong amounts of everything compared to the others in this archetype. her air-to-air game is some of the best in the game with JA along with her being one of the fastest
characters of the game. her semblance not only allows her to be that fast but also allows for her to cancel gun blasts into various mix up or combos. characters that enable ruby are yang, gordeau and akihiko. players to watch are Diddly, gears and LeGaime ryota.



weiss is a rapier character with strong mid-range and projectile game. her ability to control neutral using her projectiles and ice wall will set up for very dominating rounds. her semblance allows for her to set up seals for various options as a rekka from her dash strike. characters that letter rock are wald, 
naoto kurogane and orie. players to watch out for are lotad, shgia and UnsafeOnHit.



blake belladonna is a fast mid-range character with a great support kit. her
neutral game with jb and 5b is great while tying into her air game. her semblance allows for her to create various clones which tie into our air
movement. her ideal partners are yumi nine and teddy. players to watch will be eon crescent, pizamayo and diaphone.

ブレイクは強力なアシストを持った素早いミッドレンジ系のキャラクターです。彼女のJBと5Bを用いたニュートラルゲームは彼女の空中戦と結びついており非常に強力です。センブランスにより分身を繰り出すことができ、空中での機動力に結びついています。彼女の理想的なパートナーは雪泉、ナイン、クマになります。見るべきプレイヤーはEon Crescent,ピザマヨ,Diaphoneになります。


Yang is a very strong brawler character with fantastic neutral. her b normals and many of her specials will have armor which is very strong for scramble situations. her semblance activates when she drops below 30 life and enhances many of her normal specials and supers. characters to pair with her are ruby, carmine and akatsuki. players to look out for will be tempestNYC, e2deku and daze.



neo is a mid-range mobility character with fantastic air-to-air game. she is a
low damage character however her mix-up makes up for it as is a nice tool to abuse. her semblance allows for her to use various illusions to mix up your
opponent with her stance or illusionary charge. partners to look out for are yumi, carmine and naoto shirogane. players to watch are Colpevole and nezu.



the last four characters have unique mechanics based on their respective series.



heart Aino is the only representative for arcana heart. she is a brawler with
strong neutral and air game. she has great pressure and does very well versus push block with a read(?) and a rush punch. her unique trait is her glide which comes directly from her series having some involved frames of the startup and allows for disgusting neutral and mix-up game. great partners for heart are naoto shirogane, akatsuki and vatista players to learn from are duckator,
geroshabu and SploogieMcNoodle.



yumi is an incredibly strong zoner with great mid to close range tools and
provides a lot of support for many characters. she can control the neutral
game easily with her aerial snowbirds and 5B. she can also kill an opponent with the usage of aerial rave and cross combo from most any health. her shinobi art allows for her to use ice to freeze the opponent using any snowbird including her 6p. characters to partner with are adachi, chie and naoto kurogane. yumi has a lot of great players to watch,  however three that stand out would be Colpevole, bace and monkey4012.



akatsuki is a mid to close range character with a strong fireball game. his ability to carry the corner using his b tatsu is great and on block could set up for various unblockable situations depending on his partner. his unique trait changes his dp to a parry which can be cancelled into a strike or could cancel the recovery into a super or special. partners to synergize with akatsuki are hilda, yang and blitztank. players to watch are diaphone rngg and pun and done aka alex.

アカツキは弾打ちも得意な近中距離戦をメインとするキャラクターです。彼のB徹甲脚(訳者注:海外ではBtatsuとしてUNI時代からのミームとなっています)の運び能力は素晴らしく、パートナーに因りますがガード時に様々なガード不能連携を仕掛けることができます。ユニークな特性として彼の攻勢防禦があり、打撃による反撃か当身成立後の後隙をスキルやディストーションスキルでキャンセルできます。シナジーのあるパートナーはヒルダ、ヤン、電光戦車になります。見るべきプレイヤーはDiaphone,Pun and Done(またの名をAlex)です。


blitztake is a low mobility zoner with access to armor on almost all of his moves. his access to a fast and effective zoning tools as well as an instant overhead, unblockable ungrounded opponents in a 9 frame full screen super with great damage actually makes this character a threat in the right hands.
he shares the same trait as akatsuki which is a perry style dp that can also be cancelled with the recovery into various specials or supers. characters who ride with the tank are akatsuki naoto shirogane and yosuke. players to watch are Eshi, nezu and gc yoshi.

電光戦車は機動力の低いゾーナーで、ほぼ全ての技にアーマーが付与されています。発生が早く効果的なゾーニングの手段を持ち、高速中段やガード不能攻撃、9F発生の全画面ディストーションスキルも持ち合わせていることがこのキャラクターを脅威的なものにしています。電光戦車はアカツキと同じく攻勢防禦を持ち、後隙をスキルやディストーションスキルでキャンセルできます。電光戦車に乗れるキャラクターはアカツキ、白ナオト、陽介になります。見るべきプレイヤーはEshi,ねず,GC Yoshiになります。


and that's the meat of the video. big thanks to everybody who proofread the character descriptions especially who provided insight on team comps and player resources. almost every player i've listed here can be found on bbtag keep on rockin’. 

この動画のメインは以上になります。キャラクター説明の校正をしてくれた方々、特にチーム構成の知見やプレイヤーの情報を提供してくれた方々に感謝します。今回リストアップしたほぼ全てのプレイヤーはBBTAG Keep On Rockin' で発見しました。

speaking of keep on rockin’, i have a request for anybody watching this video. if you see bbtags videos or you know youtube uploads or anything may have you vods of twitch streams and have a moment, please put them on the website. there's a lot of player footage that does not find its way here and i did not realize how much is missed until i started making this video and it's a shame.

Keep On Rockin'について話すのであれば、私は皆さんにお願いしたいことがあります。もしBBTAGの動画をYoutubeなりTwitchのアーカイブなりで見たのであれば、それをKeep On Rockin'に登録してください。Keep On Rockin'で見つけることができなかった多くのプレイヤーの動画があり、私が動画を作り始めるまでにどれだけの動画を見逃したか分からないほどです。それは残念なことです。

there's so many good resources out there.  it doesn't take long to do most of the time if it's the 1v1s you know geroshabu versus yusubo or whatnot easy clip it and ship it stuff. if it's the longer streams if you're trying to highlight every player and you can definitely take some time so i do not blame you if you don't want to necessarily go through that but definitely if you have the time, please go and do that it helps the community a ton, especially if you're looking for good footage on how like a certain team works or whatnot because even if you don't want to know how like weiss susano'o plays somebody's gonna be looking for it and if you are that player it helps so much if it's just on the website so please think about the community. take some time out of your day and just upload those or just post that.

そこ(Keep On Rockin')にはたくさんの情報が転がっています。例えば「げろしゃぶVSゆず坊」のマッチや、様々な対戦動画をクリップして登録するのにそこまで長い時間を取りません。もしそれが長時間の配信であったり、その中の全員のハイライトを記そうとした場合は時間がかかります。ですからなるべくやりたくないと思っても私は責めません。ただもし時間があるのなら、是非やっていただきたいのです。それはコミュニティを大きく助けるためです。特に「このタッグはどうやって機能させるのだろう?」等の理由で良い対戦動画を探している場合は、大きな助けになります。もしワイススサノオのプレイをあなたが知りたくないとしても、誰かが探しているかもしれません。もしあなたがそのワイススサノオ使いなら、Keep On Rockin'に載っていれば大助かりでしょう。ですからぜひコミュニティのことを考えてあげてください。あなたの時間を少しだけ頂戴して、アップロードまたは登録をお願いします。

it's a super great resource that keep on rockin’ does a great job with sets up all these different archives for all these different anime games. so please give the homies some support like a follow whatever may have you. 

Keep On Rockin'は他のアニメ系格闘ゲームのアーカイブも置いてあり、よくできた非常に良い情報収集の場所です。ですから作成者である彼(Twitterリンク)をフォロー等をしてサポートしてあげてください。

if you don't want to play the teams i recommend on here that is totally fine. i'd seriously recommend reading gears team building doc and referring to diaphones team building video which refers to the doc. both players mad good they know exactly what they're talking about so if you are curious on how to build your own team or how do like things to look for while building a team, those are the first two you should check out. Tempest and fame also made on offense doc and with all these tools together you should be able to at least find ways to make your ideal team work if they can work or things that you should be looking while developing a team that you know somebody may have not checked.


this video would not be possible if it was not for the bb tag community, the streams, the the videos everything like that, so check everybody out like, shoutouts to pizamayo and geroshabu as well as like duckator, tempest and all the other content creators that out there for bb tag. like a lot of the japanese footage i have not really checked out but then i realized almost all of it that i was finding was geroshabu and pizamayo, like the two those two are carrying right now and there may be other players like gedo for example i did not know uploaded that much footage but the man's got so the man's uploads. so definitely check out all of them please support the the international community as well as the you know american community. everybody that i've shown here give them follow give them a like everything like that please support the the rest of the community.


and i think that's wrapping up the video. thanks for watching like i said to give all the other people like a comment and subscribe, please do the same for this one just to help you know boost it up. and like usual i'll see you next time.



