
北米獣医師免許試験・備忘録119、CPE 対策 - Anesthesia (麻酔)


注: 日本語訳は意訳であり、翻訳ではありません。

The candidate will be given forty-five (45) minutes for the Drug Protocol and Dose Calculation Station.


The candidate will be given one hundred (100) minutes (1 hour and 40 minutes) from the start of the preoperative examination to having the patient anesthetized and ready for surgical preparation.





The Drug Protocol and Dose Calculation station must be completed the day before administering anesthesia to patient.


At the station, the candidate will be given a list of available drugs,

この使用できる薬品のリストなんですが、基本的な麻酔薬のみで私の職場でよく使われるメサドン methadon やフェンタニル fentanyl は含まれません。あれば良かったんですけど。


The candidate will also record his/her reasons for selecting the specific drugs used on the Anesthesia Record.


CPE マニュアルより引用 - 最初の45分についての説明:

Anesthetic drug protocol selection and drug dose calculation (45 minute time limit): The Drug Protocol and Dose Calculation station must be completed the day before administering anesthesia to patient. At the station, the candidate will be given a list of available drugs, the concentrations of the drugs that are available, and recommended dose ranges. Based upon the weight and estimated age of the canine patient, and assuming an ASA status of 1, the candidate will design an anesthetic protocol (preanesthetic drugs, anesthesia induction, anesthesia maintenance, and pain management); calculate the volume of each drug selected based upon the drug concentration provided; and enter the results on the Anesthesia Record (Appendix 3). The candidate will also record his/her reasons for selecting the specific drugs used on the Anesthesia Record.

- 試験に使用される薬品一覧

• Acepromazine
• Alfaxalone
• Atipamezole (equal volume to the volume of dexmedetomidine)
• Atropine
• Buprenorphine
• Butorphanol
• Carprofen
• Diazepam
• Dexmedetomidine
• Glycopyrrolate
• Hydromorphone
• Isoflurane
• Ketamine/diazepam
• Meloxicam
• Meperidine
• Midazolam
• Morphine
• Propofol
• Sevoflurane



