

担当:Fiammetta Broggi




My name is Fiammetta Broggi, but everyone calls me Fiammy.

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I was born in Milan, however at the age of 17 I decided to go and study in England. The reason for it was that I didn't think Italy had the right tools to teach me the necessary skills to achieve what I wanted in life. In the beginning I wanted to become a kindergarten teacher. So I first studied psychology when I was in Italy, then at 17 I decided to move to England to study Child Care. This gave me lots of knowledge and the practical skills that I needed to achieve my dream. In England everything was very different, people have higher standards on how they wanted me to do things, so to me the beginning was very hard. But even though it was difficult, I really liked the opportunity that I had and I knew they were only strict because the teachers wanted me to achieve my full potential. In order to be fully qualified I needed to study Child Care level 2 and level 3, which are kind of like high school's diplomas, but these are programs that will help you to get to university. So I first studied in a college in Reading, which is about 40 minutes from London with the train, then I worked for about 7 months in an international school, and then I enrolled in another college in London, the City and Islington College to complete my level 3 in Child Care.


However, all that time, even though I absolutely loved what I was doing and I still wanted to work in order to support children in their growth and development, I really liked Japanese culture and since a very young age I have always watched Japanese anime or since the age of 13 I have always been reading whichever manga I could find. At the age of 19 I also came to Japan for the first time, I went to Kanazawa and I absolutely loved it. So, once I finished to study Child Care, I managed to find a course at SOAS University, that had a Japanese program, which would have lasted just 1 year, and it sounded very interesting to me, so as soon as I finished my previous studies, I enrolled at SOAS and I absolutely loved it. Since the age of 16 I've been studying Japanese but it's always been just for fun, so I never had time to learn much or I would forget whatever I have previously learned pretty fast. I still struggle to write even now, but I hope that by persevering I soon will be able to express myself better, and not just when it regards simple things. By studying at SOAS I was completely fascinated by how different and amazing Japanese culture and Japanese language are. I really enjoyed my time there, and I think it's been the best decision I've ever made in my life. I felt a sense of freedom, and almost a sense of belonging, because sometimes I feel like I am more understood by Japanese people when I express how I feel, compare to my own friends back in Italy. (By the way, the first time I decided to go to England and study there, all my friends thought I was crazy, because at the time my English was good but not so good). However this newfound sense of freedom couldn't continue for too long. After I finished SOAS, I knew I couldn't continue to study ONLY Japanese, because even though I loved it, I needed some practical skills connected to it. Nowadays, unfortunately, is not enough to know a language, but you need another skill, connected to that language, in order to be able to work effectively.

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Since I couldn't ONLY study Japanese and Japanese culture, even though I love it so much, I had to choose something else that I would have liked to do in future. So, I decided to change plans one more time. I really liked the idea of helping children, however, this time, I wanted to help them not only with their educations, but I also wanted to defend their rights of having a safe environment, where they could thrive and just enjoy life. We all know how unfortunately each day there are children who don't even have access to the most basic of things, needed in their everyday life. So, I decided to defend their rights, and that is how after finishing to study Japanese, I decided to study International Law, focusing especially on Human rights, Child Law and Family Law. I was lucky because I found a University which would still allow me to study Japanese language and culture, which I haven't stopped to love, but would also connect to such a language, another subject which I will be able to use to defend children's rights, which is something I've become passionate about. I really liked my 3 years at Birkbeck, because it allowed me to study whatever I wanted, and I also made some really good friends there, so that was a bonus. I finally found people who would understand me and made me feel like a belonged somewhere. Since I have a mixed education and I kind of follow 3 different cultures, with the way I do things, sometimes people don't always seem to always understand my way of viewing life or the world. So I'm glad I had the opportunity to study in a place where people were really understand how I felt when talking about any topic. Since I was a little girl I always thought I was going to be a teacher, but after a while I decided I wanted to do something more than that and I wanted to help children and women who face discrimination and difficulties in their everyday life. So that's why at the end I decided to study law. I think by doing this, it gave me the tools I need in order to do something meaningful in my life.

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