
[英語日記] 珈琲焙煎


Even though it was new year's eve, I had a plenty of time, so I roasted coffee beans for the first time.
I purchased raw beans at nearby roaster, they had a sale of raw beans on Christmas.
I also bought a roast tool. It is said as "roast tool", it is actually just a small frying pan composed of being able to put a netlike lid on itself.
Learning the procedures by watching Youtube, doing it following the movie.
Set fire power of gas stove in the middle, keep frying pan at 20cm in distance from the tip of the fire.
Continuously move the frying pan for  equally roasting each bean. It is tough to keep the frying pan move. I keep doing that while switching the frying pan from right hand to left hand.
After 8 minutes from starting roast, I heard a sound of bursted beans. This is the sign that the roast is processing. The color of beans are also turning to blown.
When the sounds barely heard, removing the frying pan from the stove, cool the beans by using Uchiwa. It took 15 minutes from the start of roast to finish of roast.
As I watched out roasted beans, each color of bean is different, they might be roasted in different level.
I tasted the coffee from the beans with anxiety.
It was good.
Although it was self-praise, if this coffee were served at coffee, no one complained about this.
It has bitterness but smooth to drink easily, when it gets low temperature, sourness come out and I taste fruity.
It was great considering it was first time of roast.
I might get into in home roasting in 2024.

CHAT GPTに訳してもらった
With nothing to do on New Year's Eve, I decided to try roasting coffee beans for the first time. I had purchased raw beans ahead of time as a local roastery was having a Christmas sale. Alongside that, I bought some roasting equipment. Although it's simple — just a small pan with a mesh-like lid — it serves the purpose. After learning the roasting process on YouTube, I tried it out by following the steps. I set the gas stove to medium heat, holding the pan about 20 centimeters away from the flame. In this position, I constantly shook the pan to evenly roast the beans. Shaking the pan continuously turned out to be quite strenuous. I alternated between my right and left hands, swapping the pan while shaking. Eight minutes into roasting, I heard a "pop," the sound of a bean cracking — a sign that the roasting was progressing. The color of the beans had also changed to brown. When the sounds settled, I removed the pan from the stove and cooled the beans with a fan. It took about 15 minutes from the beginning to the end of the roasting process. Upon observing the roasted beans, I noticed some unevenness in color, indicating variations in roasting intensity. Feeling a bit uncertain, I brewed coffee with the freshly roasted beans. It was delicious. Despite my bias, it tasted like something you'd get in a café without any discomfort. It had a hint of bitterness, smooth and easy to drink, and as it cooled, a slight acidity emerged, bringing out a fruity note. For a first attempt, it seemed quite successful. It looks like I might get hooked on home roasting in 2024.
