[英語日記] 美容室


It was six years ago that I moved to the town I live in.
 This town is country side, but I have comfortably lived in without inconvenient.
There is  one thing  when you move to new place, looking for a barber shop.
I experienced some moves before, and it was difficult to find a barber shop for suiting to me.
But, when I moved to this town, fortunately, the barber shop I visited for the first time in this town was very nice. I have had my hair cut there since then.
I had my hair cut there today too.
I told the barber that I might get a job-change. Then he said:"I don't want you to change your job, because you will not be able to come my shop".
Ofcourse it means that he will lose one customer, he looked really missed.
I was pleased that there is a person who misses at my leaving.
I found a lot of wonderful places in this town during this six years.
A coffee serving tasty iced coffee, a park that fireflies flying, a bridge shining by sunset, a restaurant serving delicious hash and rice.
If I have left this town, I would visit the barber shop for my hair cut.

CHAT GPTになおしてもらった。
It's been six years since I moved to the town where I currently live. Although it's a rural area, there are no inconveniences in daily life, and I find it comfortable to live here. One of the events that occurred when I moved was the search for a hair salon. I've moved a few times before, and finding a salon that suits me has always been quite challenging. However, when I moved to this town, fortunately, the first salon I tried was excellent, and I've been a loyal customer ever since. Today, I had my hair cut at that salon again.

During the conversation with the hairstylist, I mentioned that I was considering a career change. In response, he said, "I don't want you to change jobs. If you do, you might not come to the salon anymore." While this statement might carry the implication of losing one customer, it seemed like he genuinely felt sad at the prospect of me leaving. It was heartening to hear someone express sadness about my departure from this town, which was once unfamiliar. Over the past six years, I've discovered many wonderful aspects of this town, from cafes with delicious iced coffee to parks where fireflies dance, bridges illuminated by the evening sun, and a Western-style restaurant with tasty hashed beef rice. Even if I were to leave this town, I'll make sure to visit that hair salon again.

〜してから何年:It's been 〇〇 years since I 過去
difficult → challenging
loyal customer : 常連
career change : 転職
departure : 去ること
discover : 見つける
hashed beef rice : ハヤシライス
