
Speaking Training

2024/01/01 (Monday) Skip

2024/01/02 (Tuesday)

What did you know about the history of hot chocolate before reading this article ?
Which parts did you find most interesting ?
I’ve never heard about the history of hot chocolate, so I did not know about this at all before I read this article.
The most interesting part of this article is the orgin drink was made with cacao, water, chilles and spices bacause the hot chocolate is somthig hot and sweet to drink as far as I know.
This is unexpected fact.
It is also intersting that the cacao was even used as money.

2024/01/03 (Wednesday)

What are your thoughts on the reasons we get goose bumps?
I thought the goose bumps is not useful for us at all before I read this article.
However, it is incorrect.
This article said that when we are cold, it helps us to keep us warmer.
When we get goose bumps, our small muscles flex and generate a small amount of heat, and our hairs standing on end create a thin layer of air and it holds on to some body heat.
This fact is unexpected.
I also think that all our body reactions happen for a reason.

2024/01/04 (Thursday)

What usually makes you feel better when you're feeling down?
I often go runnning outside when I'm feeling down.
When I'm running, I concentrate on it and I can't afford to thinking about other things. As a result, I can forget what makes me feel down naturally.
After running, I take a shower and drink sparkring water.
This routine is a perfect because this always makes me feel better .
So running is the best way to make me feel better.

2024/01/05 (Friday)

What are your thoughts on Venice's new rules?
I believe it's good to limit the number of tourists with new rules. While having many tourists can have a positive impact on the economy of a country, it may also lead to stress for the residents and the potential detriment of the country's atmosphere. Therefore, it is necessary to consider preserving these aspects. That's why I think creating new rules to control the number of tourists is a positive step.

2024/01/06 (Saturday)

What are your thoughts on Microsoft's new AI keyboard button?
この記事を読んで初めて知りました。多くの人にとても役立つものになると思います。私はソフトウエアエンジニアでよくchat GPTを使います。
I didn’t know about this new AI keyboard button before I read this article.
I think it is very useful for many people when they use AI applications such as chat gpt.
I often use chat gpt on working and private hours.
However, When I want to use chat gpt, I take a few process, open the browser like google and search the word chat gpt, and then login.
I find this process a little inconvenient. So being able to click the new AI button and using it immediately is very good.
I also think the number of people who start to use AI applications will increase with introduction this new button.

2024/01/07 (Sunday)

Do you see yourself visiting Finland at some point in the future?
I will visit Finland in the future.
Taking pictures and sauna are my hobbies.
This article said that we can wath aurora in Finland and there are many sauna, the number is 300,000. This is amazing number !
These are very attractive for me.
I would like to watch aurora and taking photos of it, and go to various saunas.

2024/01/08 (Monday)

What are your thoughts on the Korean Working Conditions Survey's findings?
It is interesting that this article said that the risk of the symptom of depression have differece between men and women.
I think it is correct that a long time commute time robs us of sleeping and unwinding time and this will link to our stress.
As a result, we will cause the symptom of depression.
It is also interesting that the result of the report in 2021 said that south korea has the highest rate of the sypmptom of depression among OECD nations.

2024/01/09 (Tuesday)

Would you say that you have a good memory?
I have a bad memory, but I try to maintain it. I read some books about the brain and memory, and these books introduced some tips to preserve our memory. After reading them, I started to follow some, for example, engaging in moderate exercise and ensuring enough sleep. I believe we should treat our brain the same way we treat our muscles. What I mean is that our brain also weakens when we don't use it often. So, I find it important to use our brain regularly to maintain our memory.

2024/01/10 (Wednesday)

What are your thoughts on Austria's voucher system for repairing devices?
I think this system is very good, and other countries should adopt the same system because the amount of garbage is decreasing, which helps prevent the Earth from global warming. If the government implements this system, the number of people who will try to repair their old or damaged devices will increase. This, in turn, will contribute t obuilding a sustainable society.
Therefore, I believe this system is crucial for building a sustainable society.

2024/01/11 (Thursday)

Do you support the idea of a personal carbon passport?

二酸化炭素排出量を減らすことの大切さについてはとても理解しているけれども、carbon passportについてはサポートできない。
I understand how important it is to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, but I can't support the idea of a carbon passport. I love traveling abroad, so I can't stand the idea of limiting the number of my trips. However, as this article suggests, there are some ways to reduce carbon emissions. For example, fixing damaged products instead of buying new ones, using electric cars, and so on. We need to start with what each person can do to build a sustainable society

2024/01/12 (Friday) Skip

2024/01/13 (Saturday)

What are your thoughts on Microsoft's AI tools for improving NPCs?
I think they are amazing. Using them improves each player's satisfaction, and players will want to play the same game many times because if they make different choices at the same scene in the game, they could get a different experience. It always makes the players excited. I think one of the strong points of AI is being able to supply each person with what they want. This is very important to improve CX and customer satisfaction. So, I think this trend will spread not only in games but also in apps and other contents like studying to improve them.

2024/01/14 (Sunday)

What are your thoughts on Japan's increase in crime?
I was shocked by this fact. It is one of the most important issues that the number of people aged between 14 and 20 committing crimes has increased. I wonder if this is caused by social media because, through the use of social media, it becomes crucial for individuals with malicious intent to connect with many people easily, especially focusing on the younger generation, which might explain the increase in numbers. Additionally, I believe that the ratio of people who commit crimes repeatedly accounted for about 50% of the total number in 2022. This indicates that it is very challenging to decrease the crime rate. It might be necessary to impose stricter punishments for criminals to prevent them from committing crimes again. The results of the list of the world's safest countries surprised me because Japan was ranked ninth on the list. I had believed that Japan is the safest country in the world, so this was unexpected. I expect Japan to be ranked first on the list in the near future.

2024/01/15 (Monday)

What are your thoughts on the AASM's findings?
This is a very hot topic for me because I stayed up late yesterday. I went to bed and started using a smartphone for shopping. As a result of that, I lost sleep. I find it interesting thataccording to this article, men are more likely to do this than women, and I wonder why there is a difference between men and women. A smartphone is a very useful tool, but it has another side. It can cause addiction without us realizing, so it is also a dangerous tool. After reading this article, I thought that I should try not to use a smartphone after going to bed to have a good sleep.

2024/01/16 (Tuesday)

What are your thoughts on music streams surpassing 4 trillion?
The 4 trillion is an amazing number. According to this article, more and more US people came to listen to music. I think that music is not special, so why are there many people who start to listen to music? The share of English songs in the US decreased, while songs in other languages increased. Did Japanese anime songs contribute to this result? Taylor Swift has maintained popularity around the world. I wonder what makes her so popular — her voice, her music messages, or her music melody? I want to know the reason.
This article also showed that Mexican music is hot in the US, so I'll try to listen to it tomorrow.

2024/01/17 (Wednesday)

What are your thoughts on Nio's new Ultra Long Range battery?
very greatだと思います。
しかし、記事によると最新のEV バッテリーは1回の充電で1000km以上走ることができるし、電源につなぐ代わりにバッテリーをswappingするだけでrefillできるそうです。
I fouud this new battely great.
Using Ev cars contributes to prvent from global warming because the emissions of curbon dioxicide will recuce.
My image of EV cars is eco but I also have another image less power than gasoline cars.
This is one of our concerns about using EV cars.
If I dreive many times, I should refill more often than when I drive a gasorine car.
This is inconvenient. However, according to this article, the new EV battely has capacity of driving more than 1000km at one charge and when you want to refill, you swap new battely instead of connecting outlet.
These may be a solution of our concern about using EV.

2024/01/18 (Thursday)

What are your thoughts on this article ?
ペットを飛行機に乗せるためのfeeがこの記事によると$95 to $100 each フライトのようで思っていたよりも安いことを知りました。
また海外のエアラインではいくつかpet frilendly なものがあったり、pet loverに役立つアプリがあることを初めて知りました。場所を探すときに役立つアプリ。pet friendlyなホテルやレストラン、またpetの病院の場所を調べられるアプリ。
According to this article, some pet friendly ailines allow your pet to travel in the cabin for $95 to $100, this is cheaper than I expected.
There are some apps which is very helpful for pet lovers to search for their best place where they could be comfortable with their pet.
For example, hotels, restaurants and etc…
They are not common in Japan yet, but I hope they will be common as well as other country because I love pets !!

2024/01/19 (Friday)

What are your thoughts on this discovery?
I’ve never heard about CRAB. When infected with CRAB, about 40 to 60% of people will die. This is very dangerous. According to this article, no new antibiotic has been approved for use against this bacterium in over 50 years. It is very difficult to treat this bacterium because if we use antibiotics, they could not reach this bacterium through the membrane. This membrane protects this bacterium from antibiotics. However, according to new findings, there is an antibiotic which prevents this bacterium from forming a membrane. When this bacterium loses the membrane, it will eventually die. This is good news. I hope that generative AI will contribute to making progress in medicine.

2024/01/19 (Friday) Skip

2024/01/20 (Saturday)

What are your thoughts on Samsung's Galaxy S24?
Auto translate機能(通話中)はとても便利だと思いました。
ただ、technologyが進化するにつれて、たくさんの機能がsmart phoneにaddされていくことにより値段が上がっている。
I think the translation function during phone calls is very useful. When we talk with people from other countries on the phone during working hours, we can speak in our mother language. This is amazing. However, as technology is making progress, more and more functions are added to smartphones, leading to an increase in their price. In my opinion, I don't want to pay for functions that I don't need.

2024/01/21 (Sunday)

What are your thoughts on the study's findings?
ただし、語学の学習はstep by setpで行うことがとても大切だと思う。
In my opinion, subtitles are not useful for learning languages because when the display shows our native language, we pay attention to them instead of the original language. It is natural to choose the easier way. On the other hand, captions are very helpful because when we use captions, we have to focus on the original language. However, I believe it is very important to study languages step by step. If you don't acquire basic vocabulary and grammar and then you try to use captions, it will fail. You should pause to search for the meaning of vocabulary and grammar, leading to a decrease in your attention and motivation. As a result, you will give up learning. I think it is very important to select the best way to learn languages, and the first step is understanding your level.

2024/01/22 (Monday)

What are your thoughts on LG's transparent TV?
ただtransparent modeを使うのはtv を turn offしている時だけだと思う。
テレビを見る時や映画を見る時にそれを使うと非常に見ずらいのでblack modeを使うだろう。
It is very interesting.
However, the use of the transparent mode is only when the TV is turned off, I believe. It would be very difficult to see when using it to watch TV or movies, so I would prefer to use the black mode. Moreover, in households with children, I think there is a very high risk of it being broken. This is because it is transparent. In other words, if children are playing near it, they might accidentally break it without even realizing. This is very dangerous.
According to this article, the price has not announced yet.
I think some people are interested, but the number of units sold will depend on the price.

2024/01/23 (Tuesday)

What are your thoughts on the Henley Passport Index for 2024?
European countries are ranked high on the list. I believe passport power is related to the safety of a country. So Choosing a country with a strong passport may enhance the possibility of enjoying your travels. However, it was unexpected that Australia is not ranked within the top 10 on the list. I visited there last year, and it was a very enjoyable trip.

2024/01/24 (Wednesday)

What are your thoughts on the Tokyo government's dating app?
私はgirl friendがいません。
今までいくつかのdating appsを使ってきましたが、どれも私にはfitしませんでした。
This is good news. I don't have a girlfriend. I've used some dating apps, but they didn't suit me, and as a result, I'm afraid of using them. That's why they are unreliable. There are many users whose goal is not to find a partner. I realized this, and I'm very irritated, so I don't want to pay for them. This leads to unreliability. However, the new app produced by the government is different from others. I think the number of fake users will decrease because people should input a lot of information about themselves. If they use this maliciously, they will be punished by the government. In my opinion, this new app is more reliable than others. According to this article, this new app will be released this year. So I want to try it.

2024/01/25 (Thursday)

What are your thoughts on TSB's findings?
facebook market placeは初めて聞いたが、似たサービスが日本でもある。それはメルカリ。
調べたことはないがおそらくfacebook market placeと同様にfake itemは存在しているでしょう。
私のideaは買いたい商品のofficial citeやほかのサイトでits priceを確認すること。それらとcompareすることでsomething strangeとrealizeできる。買う前に。
ほしいものが安く売っているとついon impulseにクリックしてしまうので難しいかもしれないが、「話がうますぎると思うときは、恐らくそのとおりだ」という言葉をkeep in mindしておけばできるかもしれない。
I've heard the word if something is too good to be true, it probably is many times.
I heard the facebook market place for the first time.
There is service which is like it in Japan, its name is Merkari.
I've never research, I think there may be some fake items on merkari as the same as facebook market place.
I think the number of malcious users won't decrease, so we should be carful not to buy items from them.
In my opinion, it is good way to compare the price which you want to buy to the official store and then you could realize something strange before you click the order button on the webcite.
It is very hard for us to be calm when the item which you want is sold low price because we tent to buy on impulse.
However, keep in your mind the word if something is too good to be true, it probably is it might help you to prevent you from buying fake items.

2024/01/26 (Friday)

Do you read comic books? If so, have you read any Spider-Man comics?
10代のころは日本のcomic bookをよく読んでいた。特に好きだったのはNARUTO。
comic bookにはたくさんのキャラクターがいますが、特に好きなのは主人公です。
I used to read Japanese comic books when I was a teenager, and I've never read Spider-Man comic books. NARUTO is one of my favorite comic books. NARUTO has been very popular around the world. The story is about a boy who doesn't have any friends, and his parents and people dislike him because there is a very dangerous monster inside him. As a result, people are afraid of getting along with him. However, he never gives up making relationships with other people. Finally, he makes a lot of friends, and people realize he is not a monster but a good person. He never gives up in any situation, even when almost everyone else would give up, and he accomplishes what he wants to do. In Japanese, this is called 'ド根性.' I respect his spirit, and I believe this spirit is very important in reality.

2024/01/27 (Saturday)

What are your thoughts on Hemesh Chadalavada's invention?
I think this is great. The great point is not only the function of his product but also his actions. What I mean is that he was finding the problem, and he tried to act to solve it. This is really hard, and there are few people who do the same thing. Actually, there are few people who do the same thing at work. Surprisingly, he is just 17 years old. I hope his work will be completed, and then his products will be provided to those who are facing the same trouble, contributing to solving their problems.

2024/01/28 (Sunday)

What are your thoughts on Coldplay singing about Manila's traffic?
この記事によるとマニラはとてもheavy trafficで移動に時間がかかるそうです。10km移動するのに車で平均27分。
in my opinion, 自転車の方が速いと感じます。
何がこのheavy trafficを引き起こしているのか、政府はこれに対して何かactionを起こそうとしているのか気になります。
またcold playがこのmanilaのtrafficについての曲を作ったという話はとてもfunnyでした。
I've never visited Manila. According to this article, Manila is famous for the heavy traffic, taking an average of over 27 minutes to travel 10 km in this country. This fact surprises me. In my opinion, in Manila, people would be better off using bikes instead of cars because I think using a bike to travel is faster than driving cars. I wonder what causes this heavy traffic in Manila, and has the government treated this problem? It is funny that Coldplay made a song about Manila's traffic. I'll try to listen to this song later.

2024/01/29 (Monday) Skip

2024/01/30 (Tuesday)

What are your thoughts on the findings of this study?
いいニュースだったのはsiblingsがいるとratio of divorceの割合が低くなること。
This topic is very interesting. According to this article, a teenager's mental health is strongly related to whether they have siblings or not. If they have siblings, the closer in age they are to their siblings, the higher the risk of mental health issues. This article didn't clearly explain this reason. It also showed that if a child has siblings, they cannot get enough resources from their parents because parents' resources are divided. I disagree with this idea because I have a two-years-older brother, but I could receive enough resources from my parents. So, I believe this is not correct. On the other hand, it is good news that if you have siblings, the likelihood of divorce later in life will be low.

2024/01/31 (Wednesday)

What language do you wish you could speak fluently?
海外旅行に行ったときに英語が話せると、現地の人とcommunicationを取ることができるしそれによってlocalな情報を入手することができるかもしれません。イベントやgood restaurant, good spotなど。
またもしツアーなどに参加するのであれば、other participantsとbecome friendsになってより楽しめるかもしれません。
That's why I want to be a good English speaker !

It's English for two reasons.
First, I will be able to get new oppotunities like where I work and where I live.
I'm japanese and I live in Jpan and I work at Japanese company, this is very common style for us.
However, this style is common for people who don't have other language skills. What I mean that if I can speak English well, I would be able to live foreicountry and work at foreign company.
Actually, I don't like Japanese compnay bacause of frequently over working, contacting on weekends, low salary.
I fell stress from them many times.
So, my ambition is to aquire Engilsh and work at a foreign company.
Second, I will be able to enjoy trabel abroad more.
If I'm good at English, I wiil be abel to communicate with local people and get informtion about local news, good restaurant, good spot to visit and more from them.
I think this makes your travel more enjoyable.
When I participate in a tour, if I'm good at English, I will be able to enjoy it with other participants and then I could make friends. For these reasons,  I want to be a good English speaker.
