
言語の壁が、別の壁になる前に/Is the Wall Surmountable?

「留学生と日本人」の関係を超え、「学生と学生」の共創の場を作ることを目指す、UT-BASE Englishで活動中の留学生の声を、日本語と英語で届けます。UT-BASE English aims to overcome the relationship between “international students and Japanese students” and to create a place for co-creation of "students and students". This is a voice of an International student working in UT-BASE English, delivered in both English and Japanese.

UT-BASEの正式メンバーではありませんが、留学生に向けて英語で情報発信をすることで、留学生の東大生活を応援するUT-BASE Englishというプロジェクトを手伝わせてもらっています。
他のプロジェクトと比べて、UT-BASE Englishは一般の学生にはあまり知られていないイメージがあるので、僭越ながらプロジェクトの宣伝を兼ねてnoteを書かせていただくことになりました。
このnote を通して留学生のこと、そしてUT-BASE Englishのことについて少しでも知ってもらえれば嬉しい限りです。

Nice to meet you. My name is B.H.. I’m from China and now I am a second-year student in the College of Liberal Arts.
Although I am not an official member of UT-BASE, I am part of a project called UT-BASE English to support the college life of international students at UTokyo by publicizing information to international students in English.
UT-BASE English is not well known to general students compared to other projects, so I decided to write a note to promote the project as well.
It would be great if you could know a little more about international students and UT-BASE English through this note.


By the way, what is written in this text is just what I personally felt and thought as an international student. It is not a message on behalf of all international students.
I hope you can be relaxed when reading this article as if you were watching TV after dinner.

乗り越えられるような、乗り越えられないようなあの壁/The wall that seems surmountable and insurmountable


During the last two years I spent in Japan, I feel that the label of "international student" or "Chinese international student" has been recognized prior to my existence as a human being.If you call yourself an "international student," you will stand out naturally in both good and bad ways.


From there, a Q & A time that is short but feels long begins. 
"Where are you from?"
"Why did you come to Japan?"
"When did you start learning Japanese?"
"How did you learn Japanese?"


I have answered such questions countless times since I came to Japan. There were many times that I felt happy when people were interested in me. However, as time flew by, I was hurt after realizing that people were probably only interested in me as an "international student," nothing more or less than that. To be honest, it may be easier to behave like an "international student" while being covered with the label of "international student".
However, I couldn't do that easily, and I repeatedly regretted that if I could speak more Japanese, I might have been able to talk more and become friends with others.


As I have more opportunities to use Japanese, I feel that my Japanese language skill is certainly improving. However, my Japanese is far from being that of native. When I communicate in Japanese, not my mother tongue, I am focused on conveying my message rather than brushing up the small details of my Japanese.


It is often said that the impression changes just by one word. Every day I feel the annoyance of not being able to freely control the power of words, which are very important in human relationships. Some people may think that there is no wall if the content is properly conveyed, but I think the power of words has a greater impact than expected. Because of that influence, I felt that the language barrier had become a different shape of barrier at one time.

身近に感じられないが、留学生を悩ませるあの格差/​​The information gap that is not familiar, but bothers international students


Not only in UTokyo, but also in the mass media and SNS, the information gap between the metropolitan area and the regions is often complained about.
Anyone can easily understand that the tools for gathering information can directly or indirectly lead to the different quantity and quality of the information obtained, as well as disparities in opportunities. Many people see it as an urgent issue to be solved.


There is a similar information gap between international students and general students. But unfortunately, few people are aware that the information gap forces many international students to lose opportunities.


Many international students have their families living in their home countries. Naturally, these international students have no Japanese acquaintances other than Japanese language school teachers upon their entrance to the university. Inevitably, they don't have many seniors from the same high school, or acquaintances with cram schools or prep schools.They sometimes don't know the meaning of the words which are frequently used in chats, such as "shingakkou," "national mock exam," and "Tetsu Ryokukai," which are a matter of course for ordinary students.In the first place, they may don't really understand the difference between “sakuru” and “bukatsu”. Moreover, they might also have some problems like how to use SNS popular in Japan, how to choose a circle, how to rent a room, etc.


If you are an international student who can speak Japanese to some extent, it seems quite likely that you can look it up online, but for international students who have little experience in learning Japanese, it can be hard to access the information in Japanese. Moreover, most of the information that is indispensable for university life is delivered only in Japanese. UTokyo will publish English versions of information occasionally, but besides some international circles, most ordinary circles only intend information in Japanese.
Therefore, even if international students decide to rely on English information, they are often at a loss because the information is old and not updated to the latest version, or the URL of the English version page has expired.


The total amount of information you get is not always proportional to the opportunities that come from it. But I'm sure there are opportunities somewhere lost due to information that wasn't accessible. Having an opportunity and choosing not to leave it is far better than losing an opportunity without knowing it. I hope more and more students can recognize the importance and difficulty of ensuring that international students have the same opportunities as ordinary students, especially in the corona era when various opportunities for learning and experience are already limited.

留学生のがんばりを応援したいUT-BASE/UT-BASE who support the hard work of international students


In my first year at university, I struggled to make friends and gather information, and hit a hard wall that felt impossible to overcome.
At that time, when I was about to become full-blown, it was club activities that gave me the courage to overcome the wall.
It was club activities that gave me the courage to break the wall when I was about to become full-blown.


Unlike building a private relationship from scratch, a circle usually already provides people with chances of fostering friendships. The relationship in a circle often begins with a connection through activities and work which gradually develops into a casual and private connection. And from the time you first join the circle, you will be regarded not only as an "international student" but also as a "member of the circle". Performance and work completion are often unrelated to Japanese proficiency.


Certainly, it is possible to still feel the wall even after joining a circle. However, joining the circle must have made you insensitive to the wall in a good way.
In the circle, a space which shares the same goals and visions, people do not distinguish between general students and international students and envelop everyone in a sense of unity. I felt that the sense of unity overcame the gap between the international students and the general students, which was torn by the language.

What I gained in the circle was far beyond my imagination.

その中で特に思いがけない出来事は、サークルで大切な友人と巡り合ったことから、留学生が抱える不安や問題に関心を持つUT-BASEのメンバーと知り合い、そこでUT-BASE Englishという新しいプロジェクトを一緒に立ち上げたことです。

The most interesting thing I gained in the circle was that I met an important friend in the circle, who is also a member of UT-BASE. We both care about the problems of international students, and we started UT-BASE English, this new project together.

日本語が不自由な私の言葉を頑張って理解しようとしてくれる相手が、日本語で一生懸命に伝えようとする私と同じく努力をしていることを身をもって感じているからこそ、留学生が抱える問題を留学生に帰結するのではなく、双方向的に克服しようとするUT-BASEのビジョンに強い共感を覚え、UT-BASE Englishというプロジェクトに携わることを決心しました。

As I recognise the fact that the person listening to me speak in Japanese is putting the same amount of effort as I do to understand me, I related to the UT-BASE English's vision to solve issues interactively with international students, instead of concluding it as international students side’s problem. 
This is why I strongly sympathized with UT-BASE's vision and decided to work on a project called UT-BASE English.

UT-BASE Englishは、留学生を含む「全ての東大生」の学生生活の質を最大化し、さらに「留学生と日本人」の関係を超克し「学生と学生」の共創の場をつくることを最大の目標としています。

UT-BASE English aims to maximize the quality of student life of "all" UTokyo students including international students, to further overcome the relationship between “international students and Japanese students” and to create a place for co-creation of "students and students".

去年の秋にプロジェクトが発足して以来、UT-BASE Englishは5人の留学生メンバーと共に、サークル需要調査のアンケートを行ったり、サークル紹介記事や東大の設備の使用マニュアルの英訳や「サークル選びのコツ」を代表とする英語版限定記事を作成したりと、留学生目線のコンテンツ作りに取り組んできました。今年の4月までに一般の学生向けにPEAKのおすすめ授業の紹介記事を執筆し、さらに留学生向けに施設・プログラム紹介記事の翻訳、日本語の授業や駒場用語の紹介記事と合わせて掲載する予定です。

Since the project was launched last fall, with 5 international students, UT-BASE English has conducted questionnaires on circle demand surveys of international students, translated articles introducing circles, and provided an article called "Tips for choosing a circle for international students". By April of this year, we will write an article about the introduction of recommended PEAK classes for general students, translate an article introducing facilities and programs for international students, and publish them together with articles introducing Japanese language classes and KOMABA terms. Please look forward to it!

少しでも我々の思いに心が動かされたら、UT-BASE Englishのことを、周りの留学生の友人にも宣伝してみてください。今後ともよろしくお願いします。
If you are moved by our thoughts, please promote UT-BASE English to your friends around you. 

Thank you for reading this article and specially thanks Madoka Uesugi. and M.Y. for proofreading this article!
