
MongoDB has created a new software license called the Server Side Public License, or SSPL. The SSPL clarifies the conditions for making MongoDB publicly available as a service, to ensure we can continue to invest in building MongoDB for our users rather than in costly litigation over enforcing the AGPL.

RedisがApache with Common Clauseという形態を採用したのに対し、MongoDBはSSPLという形態を採用した。

If you make the functionality of the Program or a modified version available to third parties as a service, you must make the Service Source Code available via network download to everyone at no charge, under the terms of this License.


There is some confusion in the marketplace about the trigger and scope of the Remote Network Interaction provision of AGPL. As a result, we decided to base the SSPL on GPL v3 and to add a new section 13 which clearly and explicitly sets forth the conditions to offering the licensed program as a service.

SSPLにはFAQのページも用意されていて、元々はAGPL(Affero GPL)というGPLから派生したライセンスを元にしていたが、AGPLの「Remote Network Interaction」が誤解を生むということで新たにSSPLをGPLから派生させたようだ。

