
MicrosoftでThe Old New Thingというブログがある。C++に関連した話が多いので読み飛ばすことが多いが、1992年頃の話題が面白かったので、ちょっと紹介してみる。

During the development of Windows NT, testing identified that a very specific model of computer from a major manufacturer exhibited a very large number of problems, and the team needed about a dozen of them in order to debug the issues.



It took around two days to do this. When Alice learned that an entire production line of people were working overtime in their warehouse to produce this one-shot run of computers just for her, she figured it would be nice to send them some pizza or something as a thank-you.


Remember, this is around 1992. There was no Internet in the form we recognize it today. There were at most 50 Web servers in the world, all of them belonging to academic and research institutions. The first online pizza order was still two years away. How do you order pizza for people in another state?



ピザといえばハッカソンでの定番だったり、新しい技術が導入されるとピザ注文機能が付いてたり(AlexaもGoogle Homeでも早い段階でピザ対応してましたね)何かとネタ的に使われるテクノロジーとピザの関係だが、こんな昔からあったのが面白い。
