
RFC Editorを見ていたら、運営関係のRFCが大量に流れてきた。PythonのPEPなどでも運営方針に関するドキュメントが流れたりするが、RFCもそういうのをドキュメント化するところだっけ?と思いつつ、面白そうだったのでピックアップしてみる。

The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "NOT RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in BCP 14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all capitals, as shown here.

ホテル選びだが、冒頭からRFCでお馴染みのMUST、MUST NOTといったキーワードは使いますよと宣言。本気なのかジョークなのか。

Every country has limits on who it will permit within its borders. However, the IETF seeks to:
Minimize situations in which onerous entry regulations inhibit, discourage, or prevent participants from attending meetings; failing that, meeting locations are to be distributed such that onerous entry regulations are not always experienced by the same attendees; and
Avoid meeting in countries with laws that effectively exclude people on the basis of race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, citizenship, or gender identity.

まず、入国するのが難しい国での開催はしない。またrace(人種)やgender identityだけでなくsexual orientationなど排除する国も選ばない。


Meeting attendees need unfiltered access to the general Internet and their corporate networks. "Unfiltered access", in this case, means that all forms of communication are allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, access to corporate networks via encrypted VPNs from the meeting Facility and Hotels, including Overflow Hotels.


つまり国家単位でインターネットをフィルタリングしてる国とか難しそうだが、79th IETFはBeijinだったりする。

While the IETF strives to be as inclusive as possible, both online and in person, maximal meeting attendance in and of itself is not a goal. It would defeat a key goal of meeting if active contributors with differing points of view did not have the opportunity to resolve their disagreements, no matter how full the rooms.


There are sufficient places (e.g., a mix of hallways, bars, meeting rooms, and restaurants) for people to hold ad hoc conversations and group discussions in the combination of spaces offered by the facilities, hotels, and bars/restaurants in the surrounding area, within walking distance (5-10 minutes).

単に会場だけでなくhallway(廊下)やbarといった議論するのに十分な場所がwalking distance(徒歩圏内)にあることも重要だ。

