Dropboxを去るGuido van Rossumが残したもの

たびたびPythonの開発者であるGuido van Rossumについて書いているが、そのGuidoは2005年にGoogleで働いた後、2011年にDropboxに移り、そのDropboxを去ろうとしている。これまでのGuidoの業績についてDropboxがブログを掲載している。

After six and a half years, Guido van Rossum, the creator of Python, is leaving Dropbox and heading into retirement. From the beginning, we knew Guido would be a great addition to our company. In fact, his contributions to Dropbox date back to day one. Our CEO Drew Houston’s very first lines of code for Dropbox were written in Python.

Guidoが6年半ほど働いたDropboxを去り、引退する。GuidoはDropboxにとってgreat addition(おおきな財産)だった。DropboxのCEOがDropboxのために書いた最初のコードがPythonだった。

“There was a small number of really smart, really young coders who produced a lot of very clever code that only they could understand,” said van Rossum. “That is probably the right attitude to have when you're a really small startup.”


“When asked, I would give people my opinion that maintainable code is more important than clever code,” he said. “If I encountered clever code that was particularly cryptic, and I had to do some maintenance on it, I would probably rewrite it. So I led by example, and also by talking to other people.”



Guido then switched teams and started working on mypy, now one of the most popular static type checkers for Python, written by a Dropboxer that he had helped hire during his first year here, Jukka Lehtosalo.


While mypy was one of the projects Guido spent a lot of his time on, he also cared deeply about making engineering culture, both at Dropbox and in the Python community, more inclusive for women.


Though Guido is officially retiring, his contributions to Dropbox and the larger Python community will continue to be felt. He has already put into motion the conversion of the Dropbox server code from Python 2 to Python 3. And even though he’s already stepped down from his fancifully named Benevolent Dictator for Life (BDFL) title, he will always have a spot in the Python community.


