
2024年4月9日Japan Inc. races to join U.S., U.K., China in nuclear fusion race

Make words bold which I impressed with.

Writing Section



Rewrite following sentences. These are written by non-native speaker. Japan need to catch up with, and more to say Japan should lead other companies and countries in this fusion energy field. So, this sector need more fund from various sector of both private and government. The enthusiastic countries like US, UK and China is now growing funds to such fusion energy companies in very high level. Japan have been growing up and studied fusion energy for decades, so there are a bunch of skilled persons and manufacturer. However if neccesary fund would not be gathered, Japan will not be fanfared with trumpet in this technological race. fusion energy is not established technology still now and some companies are skeptical for this tech, but if you want to win race in the future, you need take some risk right now.


Japan needs to not only catch up but also take the lead in the field of fusion energy. Therefore, both private and government sectors should allocate more funds to support this sector. Countries like the US, UK, and China are already investing heavily in fusion energy companies. Japan has been researching fusion energy for decades and possesses a wealth of skilled professionals and manufacturers in this field. However, without sufficient funding, Japan risks falling behind in the global technological race. While fusion energy remains an emerging technology and some companies are skeptical, taking risks now is crucial for future success. If Japan wants to emerge victorious in this race, it must be willing to invest boldly.

Speaking Section

Each speaking is limited in FIVE minutes.


Topic:For you, what’s the true meaning of life?

Rewrite following sentences. These are written by voice record. OK do you hear me OK? OK Let's let's take let's get started today's discussion speaking section of the discussion section. So I need to, I need to discuss about I need to discuss today's topic this for you. What's the true true meaning of life? Yeah, it's very interesting question. Thank you. Thank you for asking me that I thank you for asking me this question. So the meaning of the of the true meaning of life. and meaning of life is very interesting and very sophisticated and a very incomplicated very complicated question and and. there and there's so many people in in the in the history have been thinking about it and now all over the people are all over the people might be thinking about it thinking about it every day and every every moment every moment every day every moment and and before before the before. the slapping before the slipping in the bed. So yeah this is very so anyway I want to say yeah anyway the thing I want to say is this is very interesting question so now. so yeah true meaning of your life I've I've never got I've never I've never been found I've never found found it yet and so yeah this is my quest now I'm exploring I have been exploring about exploring about my that's remaining of life so yeah. so I don't have answer I don't have answer yet so yeah but I may be some III might have some glue or some hints of the of the of the meaning of life. Yeah so yeah so. yeah. Now so II went to I went to talk about my my I want to talk about my my position my the the thing I have now to yeah that is which is which which which might be some hand of the of the of the meaning of the of the meaning of life my life so yeah. yeah life is very short and very short so people will will be will be die soon people will people is going to die soon so very is the the life is very short and and the historical people that the Roman ancient person Senegal say. say that yeah yeah certainly suddenly people's life is very short but if you do if you do right thing if you do very very meaningful thing in your. in your life while your while you are living the life is not the life is not so shortly the the the length the length or the the term in the life is is very enough to do something meaningful or something right. So yeah I may be yeah. I think in my it might be true or Yeah, but but yeah but. but the people especially me are are are. a waste my time waste my waste my life so so the so the late correct tree and leave rightly leave. or living in meaningful way is is very difficult but it's very hard for me but now. so yeah so I don't have future plan II don't have future plan I don't I don't have AI don't have a job or something but I it just I think I just need to do something I just I wanted just I won't so. yeah I need to do I need to do I need to do things to. yeah something I want to do. I need to do so you. you don't have to you don't have to lose you don't. you must not lose your energy to do something you wanted yeah this is very. this is very important


Alright, let's begin today's discussion on the true meaning of life. It's an intriguing and complex question that has captivated many throughout history and continues to do so today. Personally, I haven't found a definitive answer yet, but I'm on a quest to explore it further. Life is short, as the ancient Roman philosopher Seneca famously remarked, but it can feel longer and more meaningful if we strive to do what is right and purposeful. However, I acknowledge that living in a meaningful way is challenging, especially when faced with the temptation to waste time. Despite not having a clear plan for the future, I believe it's important to take action and pursue the things that matter to me. Maintaining that drive and energy to pursue our goals is crucial.


Rewrite following sentences. These are written by voice record. OK, next time. OK, next yeah, I need to, I need to talk about my fedex now. Yeah, I'm feeling very bad. I'm very bad. Yeah. So, yeah, I'm thinking about my death. I'm, I'm thinking about about myself to do, to die, or something. Yeah, yeah, of course I don't. II don't. I'm not going to die. I don't, I don't kill. II, I'm not going to kill myself. I don't kill myself. But, yeah, well, the emotion or the feeling is, is Such bad is bad. It's bad like that so. yeah, I don't have a plan. I don't have any idea. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know what's going on Yeah, it's very I'm very I'm very anxious about it. I've had my future and I've had my situation. I'm very apprehensive about my about my mind. I'm about about my ability, about my is. enthusiasm. Yeah, I don't have. I don't have energy with drive to do anything now. Yeah, II waste time. I waste precious time everyday I hate it Yeah, I don't like, I don't want to waste my time even a bit. But yeah, it's so difficult. It's so difficult. So devastating. I don't like myself. Yeah. I don't. I can't. keep me not to do sigh. her. Yeah. So I don't have AI don't have a thing to do to talk to talk about it to talk about right now. So, yeah, yeah, yeah. I need to see. I need to study. I need to. I need to research. I need to create some. create something. Yeah The plan was schedule before before. practically creating something or research something or studying something. Yeah. it's very is very useful and is very crucial. It's very important. Yeah. Schedule is is the key to success. that I that I can that I can make right now. Yeah. So I need to make plan for the future. But yeah, it's very it's very yeah this task will be will be will consume. a huge amount of energy and a bunch of a bunch of energy. hello. so so I have never delve into this task. Ouch. what can I do for you? What should I do for myself?


Alright, let's address my current state. I'm not feeling great. In fact, I'm feeling quite terrible. Thoughts about death have been on my mind, though I want to be clear that I have no intention of harming myself. It's just that these feelings are overwhelming. I feel lost, unsure of what to do or where to turn. Anxiety clouds my thoughts about the future and my ability to cope. I'm lacking the drive and energy to do anything productive, and it pains me to see time slipping away without purpose. I detest wasting even a moment of it. Yet, breaking free from this cycle feels nearly impossible. I'm struggling to find motivation or a sense of direction. However, I recognize the importance of creating a plan, setting goals, and sticking to a schedule. It's crucial for regaining control and moving forward. But the thought of doing so feels daunting, as it requires a significant amount of energy that I currently lack. I'm at a loss, unsure of where to begin or how to pull myself out of this state.










