
To Barcelona


The delayed flight departed at 24:45 in the middle of the night.

So I arrived in Barcelona and, of course, I slept at the airport, as I always do.

As I was sleeping under the escalator,
a security guard warned me,
"It's dangerous here, be careful."

That's why  I moved and slept on a bench,
which had arms
so I couldn't lie down...

And so it was morning.
But it was Saturday and the hostel prices were high.
I thought it would be a waste of money to stay at a hostel just to decide my future plans and write this diary,
so I stayed at the airport again that day.

This makes six days in a row that
I’ve been staying at airports…

Feeling exhausted from not getting much sleep, I finally made my way to Barcelona city.

The view from the bus window

I arrived at the accommodation with a fresh view of Barcelona, ​​put my luggage down and went sightseeing in the city.

Barcelona Arc de Triomf
Passeig de Lluís Companys

And this is why I came to Barcelona.

Sagrada Familia

This world-famous structure is still under construction since construction began in 1882.

When I heard it was finally scheduled for completion in 2026,
I wanted to see it before then.

Will it really be completed in two years…?

I didn't go in.
Or rather, I didn't even know that I could go in.

Apparently, the place is so fully booked
that it's difficult to even buy a ticket.

If I had tried to buy a ticket it would have been impossible,
but I was happy just to be here and see it.

I couldn't even get into Park Guell
because the tickets were all sold out...

Casa Batllo
Casa Mila

These are also famous buildings designed by Gaudi,
along with the Sagrada Família.
Placa Catalunya

Local Market

Barcelona has a different atmosphere
to any other European city I have seen so far.

I think this comes from the exotic design
of the building, including Gaudi's work.

Church of Santa Maria del Mar

I was busy sightseeing during the day
because I was tired from staying at the airport every day and wanted to take a rest in the evening.
On the bed after a long time...

And I still haven't decided where I'll be sleeping or where I'm going from tomorrow onwards.

I had to decide that by today, but I took a shower, did the laundry, and fell asleep as soon as I got in bed...

2023年3月から世界中を旅して周り、その時の出来事や感じた事を極力リアルタイムで綴っています。 なので今後どうなるかは私にもわかりません。 その様子を楽しんで頂けましたら幸いです。 サポートは旅の活動費にありがたく使用させて頂きます。 もし良ければ、宜しくお願いいたします。