極平凡な一般人が、自分でも理解不能な程のやる気だけで巡る世界一周旅行記。 やればでき…


極平凡な一般人が、自分でも理解不能な程のやる気だけで巡る世界一周旅行記。 やればできるけど、わざわざやる人はほとんどいない。 そんな事を経て見えてくる景色、音、匂い、味、感触そして人の心の機微などを綴っていきます。 2023年3月25日出発。


  • 新世界紀行アジア編

    2023 3/28🇯🇵〜4/13🇰🇷〜5/3🇲🇳〜5/5🇨🇳🇭🇰〜5/12🇹🇼〜5/24🇹🇭〜6/10🇱🇦〜6/22🇹🇭〜7/3🇲🇾〜7/29🇸🇬〜(予定)7/30🇮🇩〜(予定)

  • 羅針盤



  • 固定された記事


2023/4/15~2023/4/16 午前8時、まずは約379km離れたホトントという村に向けて長距離バスに乗り込む。 そこで遊牧民(ノマド)ファミリーに出迎えて頂き、ゲル(遊牧民の伝統的な移動式住居)まで連れて行ってもらうという流れだ。 50人程は収容可能なバス内は満席に近い状態だったが、ただでさえモンゴルに来る邦人は少ないであろう中、ましてやこんな辺境の地に向かう日本人は余程珍しかったのだろう。 ちょっとした人気者(変わり者?)扱いで 「ヤパーン!(ジャパーン!)」

    • Entering Lithuania and exploring Vilnius

      2024/7/21 In the end, it was a 21-hour bus ride from Prague to Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania… but I had a comfortable ride. Even though the bus was almost full, there was no one sitting next to me, so I was able to take two seat

      • Departing from Czech Republic

        2024/7/19〜2024/7/20 I guess I'm visiting during the best season to travel in Europe. But if I'm in too much of a hurry, everything starts to look the same. There must be a view that can only be seen by stopping. Variation in tempo is impor

        • Relax Day

          2024/7/18 Second day in Czech Republic. It's been two months since I entered the Eurozone and I can finally take a break... There is a place to stay, there is no walking around town or traveling between cities, and I can take a break fro

        • 固定された記事




        • 新世界紀行アジア編
        • 羅針盤


          Entering the Czech Republic

          2024/7/17 The bus left Nuremberg, Germany at 3am. I arrived in Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic, around 7am. I had barely been able to sleep because I had to wait outside for three hours for a connecting bus, but since there was

          Entering the Czech Republic

          Cologne, Leverkusen, Nuremberg and leaving Germany

          2024/7/16 Last night at the inn I stayed at, I was suspected by the man in my room. He lost his perfume and thought I had stolen it. Of course I would never do such a thing. So naturally I said no, but it was a very uncomfortable night.

          Cologne, Leverkusen, Nuremberg and leaving Germany

          Entering Germany

          2024/7/15 I left Amsterdam for Germany. First I went to Dusseldorf. It wasn't long before I got from Dusseldorf to my destination for the day, Cologne. And when I arrived at Cologne station I was surprised...!

          Entering Germany

          Amsterdam Walk

          2024/7/14 12:30am. In the middle of the night, while I was sleeping, someone called out to me. When I opened my eyes, there were several guards standing there. They have rifles, and they told me: "You can't sleep here." Actually, I had s

          Amsterdam Walk

          Entering the Netherlands

          2024/7/12〜2024/7/13 At midnight, I boarded the bus again from Antwerp and headed to Brussels International Airport. And from here I board the plane. That was supposed to be the case, but... For some reason the plane ticket I bought throug

          Entering the Netherlands

          To Antwerp

          2024/7/11 I checked out of my accommodation in Ghent and headed to the bus station. There I met a Belgian woman by chance. I thanked her on the bus and got off at Antwerp. Then I first went to see the nearby train station. And I finally

          To Ghent, Belgium(Part 2)

          2024/7/10 In Europe in summer, the sun sets late. It was 10:30pm, and it was finally dark when I left the hostel again. My hunch was correct. As expected, this city is incredibly beautiful at night. This is subjective and may just be m

          To Ghent, Belgium(Part 2)

          To Ghent, Belgium(Part 1)

          2024/7/10 After two nights at the airport, I had a meal and a shower in the lounge and headed to Belgium. And I arrived in Belgium at 12 noon. I took a bus from the airport and headed to a city called Ghent. In fact, in February of thi

          To Ghent, Belgium(Part 1)

          Walking around Barcelona

          2024/7/8〜2024/7/9 Day 3 in Barcelona. That said, I was at the airport all day on the first day, so it's actually the second day. And today I'm back at the airport again. Before that, I headed to the beach to see the Balearic Sea. In the

          Walking around Barcelona

          To Barcelona

          2024/7/6〜2024/7/7 The delayed flight departed at 24:45 in the middle of the night. So I arrived in Barcelona and, of course, I slept at the airport, as I always do. And so it was morning. But it was Saturday and the hostel prices were h

          Farewell and departure to Ibiza

          2024/7/5 Last day in Ibiza. In the end, I spent all four nights at the airport, hitchhiked to get around, and all my meals were free. However, showers are just something we can't manage. Takashi and I headed into the city again today, ho

          Farewell and departure to Ibiza

          Our fun times fly by.

          2024/7/3〜2024/7/4 Second day in Ibiza, Spain with Takashi. It's high season in Ibiza now and accommodation is expensive, so we've been sleeping at the airport. By the way, there are many different kinds of people in the airport, includ

          Our fun times fly by.