
Farewell and departure to Ibiza


Last day in Ibiza.
In the end, I spent all four nights at the airport, hitchhiked to get around, and all my meals were free.

However, showers are just something we can't manage.
Takashi and I headed into the city again today, hoping to find a way to take a shower.

There was a turtle in the park near the airport.
It seems to be a good omen.

Of course, we traveled by hitchhiking.

Takashi gave me a rain cover for his backpack.
I travel with various things from the people
I meet on my travels.

It makes me very happy, and it's like carrying memories of those people with me.

And then we arrived at the beach.

The water in the shower has stopped...

So we picked up some plastic bottles we found on the ground, filled them with drinking water
from a water dispenser in town,
and poured water over each other's heads.

The people around us were surprised,
but this is also a good memory for us.

On our last day, we had lunch at a charity facility.

The staff welcomed us warmly until the very end, and I said thank you for all your kindness.

While Takashi explored the city,
I guarded his belongings and sipped a new bottle of rose wine I'd found in a trash can.

Still, I truly respect his travel wisdom, knowledge, and language skills.
He even started speaking Wolof when he passed a Senegalese person…!!

I wonder how many languages ​​he can speak...
The German couple nearby were also surprised, and I felt the same way.

He says that sometimes he gets tired when walking around town because he can understand every language around him.

It may be difficult, but it's truly amazing...!

I wanted to find a way to make better use of his special ability.

And it's past 7pm.
I headed to Barcelona and parted ways with Takashi at the airport, promising to meet again soon.

He is due to fly to Alicante the next day.

Perhaps we will meet again somewhere in the world, so it's a happy farewell.

I'm already looking forward to the reunion.

2023年3月から世界中を旅して周り、その時の出来事や感じた事を極力リアルタイムで綴っています。 なので今後どうなるかは私にもわかりません。 その様子を楽しんで頂けましたら幸いです。 サポートは旅の活動費にありがたく使用させて頂きます。 もし良ければ、宜しくお願いいたします。