English diary 1

Starting today, I will be keeping a diary on this site. Alongside purchasing the novel "Flowers for Algernon" and deciding to read it daily, I've also decided to maintain this diary in English. Beyond the purpose of recording memories, there's an intention to improve my seldom-practiced reading and writing, especially since becoming a graduate student has led me to focus mostly on studying mathematics. With that said, I kindly ask for your support.

I went date with my girlfriend. First day, I went gallery to see pictures of Monet. There were too many people and I got a little tired with many people. 
We went to a hotel, but it was like a usual apartment. In the night after we did , I saw a dream in which I was studying for the entrance exam and I should study world history and I’m pressed to study it within short period though I slacked off to study it. 



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