
(Vol. 1) Yota's eyes on Fintech in Japan - Zengin, a local banking network, will be open to non-banks. (全銀システムを銀行以外に開放)


In this blog post series, I plan to share the latest news in the Fintech industry in Japan with my thoughts as frequently as possible. 

Today's News


Zengin, a local banking network, which has been a closed network among licensed banks in Japan, will open the door to Fintech players - large wallet players such as PayPay, Line Pay etc. in 2023. 

日本語の記事はこちらをご参照ください。(News articles in Japanese)

 Yota's Thoughts(ようたの感想)


Zengin lowered the handling fee last year (2021) to 62 yen per transaction for the first more than last 40 years (from 117 yen for transaction that is below 30k yen and 162 yen for transaction that is equal or above 30k yen) in order to respond to the report made by the Fair Trade Commission in Japan. This is the phase 2 change, where they will open the integration to the network for registered fund transfer business operators (FTBOs) in Japan. While this is a new approach in the industry, I don't think that a lot of FTBOs will be happy and keen to integrate because 1) the regulatory requirements to meet the bar is so high (e.g. need to open a bank account at Bank of Japan), and 2) if the demands by FTSOs are to support a fund transfer from their wallet to a bank account, it will be supported by the alternative solution called Kotora, which will provide free of charge fund transfer for a transaction below 100k yen, in late 2022.

1. 同一ウォレット間の資金移動(既にサポート済み)
2. 異なるウォレット間の資金移動(ことらの方がコストメリットありそう)
3. ウォレット事業者から加盟店への精算(全銀直接接続の方がコストメリットありそう?コトラは10万円までの少額送金が対象)
4. ウォレット(個人)から銀行口座への振込(少額ニーズが多そうなのでことらがコストメリットありあそう。でもそもそもニーズ多いかな?)
5. 銀行口座からウォレット(個人)への振込(これは今でも同一名義間であればできているウォレットが多いはず。追加であるとすれば、給与などの一部の振込ですがこれはまた別議論されているところです)

Let's summarize the use cases that FTSOs are likely considering:
1) fund transfer between the same wallet (supported already)
2) fund transfer from Wallet A to Wallet B (Kotora may offer better service in terms of costs)
3) fund transfer from Wallet Operator (FTSO) to its merchant (Zengin integration may provide cost advantage given Kotora only support less than 100k yen)
4) fund transfer from a wallet to a bank account (Kotora may offer a better cost given the needs by wallet holders would be a small ticket size - less than 100k yen)
5) fund transfer from a bank account to a wallet (this is already supported if the owner of the wallet and bank account is same. This would be discussed further or get more attention if the salary can be paid in the form of e-money or to a wallet. This has been discussed separately).


it seems that the requirements for FTSOs to integrate into Kotora are still under discussion but when I know more about it, I will update. 

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