
(Vol. 8) Yota's eyes on Fintech in Japan - Times Pay now accepts the NFC payments called Touch Payment in Japan. (タイムズペイがタッチ決済に対応)


In this blog post series, I plan to share the latest news in the Fintech industry in Japan with my thoughts as frequently as possible.

Today's News


Today, I would like to share the news about "Times Pay now accepts NFC payments called Touch Payment".

タイムズペイは、SquareやエアペイなどのFintech領域に存在する対面の決済端末+決済サービスです。(タイムズ駐車場周辺の加盟店への展開をしているようです) クレジットカード、Suica, ID, Quicpayなどの電子マネーの利用がこれまで可能でしたが2022年秋頃よりタッチ決済のサポートを行うようです。

Times Pay is the Square and AirPay equivalent (payment device and payment processing) and seemingly the competitors. (Times provides time-based parking services and Times Pay focuses to support merchants who are nearby of these parking areas). Since 2018, it has been supporting Credit Card, E-money including iD and QuicPay. From the autumn in 2022, it announced that they start supporting the NFC payment called Touch Payment. 
According to the article, Times Pay have heard a lot of consumer demands 

From Times Pay's HP (タイムズペイHPより引用)

According to the article, Times Pay have heard a lot of consumer demands for the Touch Payment like below. 


Times Pay conducted the customer survey. According to it, the numbers of merchants who answered that they see consumers want to use "contactless payments" increased by 40% after the Covid-19. In addition, 70% of merchants expect consumers to request the Touch Payment moving forward. 

Yota's Thoughts(ようたの感想)

「非接触の決済 - コンタクトレスペイメント」という言葉と「タッチ決済」という言葉の二つがこのリリースでは登場していますので、まずこの言葉の定義の整理からしたいと思います。

In this news release, we may need to distinguish two terminologies - "Contactless Payments" and "Touch Payment". Let's all be clear on these differences. 


"Contactless Payments" are the NFC based payments such as Suica and iD. While Times Pay doesn't support, QR Code Payments such as PayPay is part of the Contactless Payments. 

一方で、「タッチ決済」というのは、Visa, MasterCard, JCB, Amexなどのクレジットカードをかざして同様にピッと決済するサービスのことを指します。昔はVisaはPaywave, MastercardはPayPassなどという個別の呼称が使われていましたが、日本では各ブランドここは統一して「タッチ決済」という呼び名で広めましょう、ということになっています。

On the other hand, "Touch Payment" is another type of NFC based payment, where you will overlay your Visa, Mastercard, JCB and Amex credit card. These services used be called differently - Visa's Paywave, Mastercard's PayPass etc. However, they now work together in terms of marketing to promote this type of products in Japan by using one phrase "Touch Payment".


If I am allowed to talk this more in detail, the former NFC is based on Felica and the latter is based on Type A/B NFC configuration. For your reference, iPhone sold in Japan supports both NFC types, which is the unique gap to iPhone's global standards.


Touch Payment is only accepted by Convenience Stores, large retailers such as Aeon, and large fast-food chains such as McDonald's and Sukiya.  While almost all issued cards with Visa brand support the feature, Mastercard in Japan is behind to it largely. 

さて、タイムズペイが「タッチ決済」に対応することはとても前向きなのですが、消費者視点で言うと、iD, QuickPay, Suica, Pasmoなどで既に非接触決済が支えている現状で言うと、「タッチ決済」がマストとは言えないかもなと思っています。どちらが先かといえば、エアペイのように各種QRコード決済への対応の方が消費者ニーズを満たしているような気がします。

Though I am positively seeing the fact that Times Pay supports Touch Payment, if I see this news from a consumer's point of view, given we all already have some contactless payments such as iD, QuicPay, Suica and Pasmo, supporting the Touch Payment may not be the must item for Times Pay. If we talk about the prioritization, supporting QR code payments may be the first as AirPay already supports.  

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