
(Vol. 7) Yota's eyes on Fintech in Japan - Salary needs to be handed in cash by law in Japan? (給与は現金手渡ししなければダメ?)


In this blog post series, I plan to share the latest news in the Fintech industry in Japan with my thoughts as frequently as possible.

Today's News

本日は、以下の「スマホ決済アプリと銀行間の相互送金が実現へ動き出す デジタル給与へつながるか?」について取り上げます。

Today, I would like to share the article - "Smartphone wallets can be connected to other banks through Zengin. Does this move result in digital payment of payroll?"


In the article, it mainly talks about the news that smartphone apps will be able to connect to Zengin. This news was shared in my blog entry below, therefore, I would rather talk about the second half of the title, how this impacts on the Payroll payment from employers to employees. 


Currently in Japan, there is a regulation like below in terms of payroll payment to employees from employers.


Employers needs to comply with the 5 points when they pay salary to their employees. 1) by the form of (fiat) currency, 2) directly, 3) in full amount, 4) more than once a month and 5) on predetermined date. 


While almost all companies pay salary to employees by the bank transfer (or to the bank account of employees), this is "exceptionally" admitted currently by the law. You may want to understand this point first.  

Yota's Thoughts(ようたの感想)


Digital Payroll - Salary will be paid to the e-wallets account (or non-banks' accounts) has been discussed in the government since 2018. However, we don't see much progress on this so far. The argument that each player makes is as follows.


We are establishing the highest standard to protect customers money, for example by following the Basel regulations. Are we all comfortable if someone other than banks handles payroll and go bankrupt? 

スマホWallet  事業者(PayPayなど)

Smartphone Wallet Operators (e.g. PayPay)
At the end of the day, Consumers are moving fund like Salary -->  Bank Account --> Wallet Account. If this is true, we should consider allowing Salary can be paid to the Wallet account directly. 



From a wallet operator's point of view, the cost associated with top-up (charge) is not so small. If it is done via the credit card, it costs about 2.0%. If it is through the bank transfer, the cost for that would be beard by consumers (it is the hurdle to do it for them). 

Both parties would like to bring more money to their own economy, the discussion will be expected to continue.


On the other hand, if the bank transfer cost from a bank account to a wallet account matters, Kotora, which may lower the cost, is suggested separately by major banks. 

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