
(Vol. 21) Yota's eyes on Fintech in Japan - SMCC offers everyday 5% Point Reward. (ファミレスや回転寿司で常時5%還元)


In this blog post series, I plan to share the latest news in the Fintech industry in Japan with my thoughts as frequently as possible. Furthermore, to learn more about English and to study TOEIC, I will add my English translation as well.

Today's News


Today, I would like share the incentive program by Mitsui Sumitomo Card (SMC) on their Touch Payment (i.e. Contactless Payment in the Fintech terminology). They plan to expand the list of merchants where you can get 5& of V Point. 

In the news release, the following points are announced. 


*they have been providing 5% rewards for Touch Payment at major three convenience stores and Macdonalds.
*From October 1, they plan to add major nation-wide restaurants. 
*What are added are Cocos, Sukuya, Kappa Zushi, Hama Zushi, and Saizeria.
*Cards types that are subject to the program are proper cards issued by SMC.

Yota's Thoughts(ようたの感想)


With regard to the Touch Payment (contactless payment), I shared some background stories at Fintech in Japan to learn TOEIC English magazine. Please refer to it as well.

Now that I share some thoughts on the news release.


5% reward is exceptional
In general, the incentive you can expect for your credit crd usage ranges from 0.5% to 1.0%. You may find a kind of time-limited offer (e.g. first three months after you have a new card) but it is so exceptional to get 5% rewards all the time. If you consider the ticket size of purchase amount, it would be about 700 JPY. So, 5% of 700 JPY is not a big but if you look at the ticket price at family restaurant or sushi restaurant, it will be more than 1000 yen. 

日本においては、Suicaというタッチ決済の先行者がいます。多くのSuica利用者はiPhoneのApple Pay WalletにSuicaを既に登録していますし、コンビニなどにおいてもSuicaで支払うということは一般的です。また最近ではPayPayなどのQRコード決済も、コンビニやファミレスなどの日常利用のサービスにおいてシェアを伸ばしています。(それでも全体の半分以上はまだ現金と言われています)


Network/Brands want to increase the volume of Touch Payment
Suica is well popular in the market of Contactless Payment. Consumers who want to use Suica may register it in their iPhones' Apple Pay wallet. It is also common to pay via Suica at Convenience stores. Furthermore, recently the QR code payments like PayPay increased share at these merchants (Convenience stores and family restaurants) (That being said, still more than half of payments are made via cash).

In this competitive landscape, networks/brands who want to increase the share of Touch Payment and SMC who wants to increase their card issuance through the reward program are aligned. I expect that Brands offer some portion of incentive for SMC.


もう一つは、利用者側にポイント以外のメリットがない点です。すでに利用者のスマホの中にはPayPayのようなWalletサービスやSuicaなどが入っていますので、この中からあえてタッチ決済を選ぶ理由はポイント以外にはなかなか考えられません。(あえて言えば、日本にはiDやQuic Payなどのタッチ決済もすでにあります)

Still, there is a high hurdle to make Touch Payment Popular
Though the incentive is attractive for me, I don't think that Touch Payment is going to take off sometime soon. There are some reasons. First, the number of merchants who can accept Touch Payment is still minimal. Though we saw major retailers including convenience stores already accept it, the hurdle to do the same for SMEs looks still high because of the need to modify their POS. Tap to pay on iPhone might change the situation, but at this point, accepting QR code payment like PayPay would be more attractive and easy for SMEs.

Another reason is that there is almost no incentive for consumers. As they already have other payment methods like PayPay and Suica on their smartphones, other than high point reward or something like that, there would be no incentives for them to "additionally" use Touch Payment. (furthermore, there are other types of contactless payment like iD or QuicPay).


As written in the previous entry, Touch Payment is useful and helpful for tourists coming to Japan. I would expect that until the demand from the inbound tourists gets bigger, networks/brands may want to attract consumers w/ a higher reward program. 

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