
(Vol. 20) Yota's eyes on Fintech in Japan - JR Kyushu considers the Type A/B contactless payment? (JR九州がタッチ決済を検討)


In this blog post series, I plan to share the latest news in the Fintech industry in Japan with my thoughts as frequently as possible. Furthermore, to learn more about English and to study TOEIC, I will add my English translation as well.

Today's News


Today, I would like to share the news - JR Kyushu, one of the Japan Railways' group company, plans to do the Proof of Concept (PoC) for the contactless payment provided by global network like JCB and Amex. The contactless payment called "Touch Payment" in Japanese, is a very Fintech Solution by connecting NFC technology and payment. 

In the article, the points below are shared.

*今回Visaに追加して、JCBと Amexブランドに関する実証実験を12月に開始すると発表した。
*端末は三井住友カードのStera Terminalを設置して行っている

*JR Kyushu has done the proof of concept for the Visa's contactless payment at gates of their stations since July this year. It was considered a first trial among JR group.
*In addition to Visa, JR Kyushu plans to do the similar PoC for other international brands such as JCB and Amex.
*The device to read the contact less payment is the Stera Terminal provided by Mitsui Sumitomo cards.

Yota's Thoughts(ようたの感想)

When you read this article, there are two points you may want to understand.


First, why does JR Kyushu may plan to enable the contactless payment (Touch Payment) while they already has another contactless payment solution like Sugoca. Sogoca and their Felica based technology also has been compatible with JR East's Suica and JR West's Icoca. 


Second, should we expect that other JR group companies will follow this trend or approach?

Before diving deep in these questions, let me talk a little bit about NFC technology in Japan. 

国内では、NFCというピッかざして決済できる技術仕様が大きく二つ存在します。SuicaやPasmoなどはFelicaという仕様で作られています。一方、Visaカードなどの「タッチ決済」はType A/Bという仕様です。

In Japan, there are two types of contactless payments (NFC) technologies. Felica supports Suica and Pasmo while Type A/B enables the Touch Payment for Visa and other international brands. 

少し細くなるのですが、AppleのiPhoneでピッとかざして決済する機能Apple PayなどはグローバルではType A/Bですが、国内で販売されているiPhoneは例外としてFelicaの仕様も読み取れるようになっています。この辺りは、以下の記事でより詳しく書いているので参考にしてください。

If I am allowed to go deeper a little bit, Apple's iPhone globally supports Type A/B for their Apple Pay features. However, if you buy an iPhone in Japan, it exceptionally support both Felica and Type A/B. If you would like to know more about it, please read my article below.

さて、それでは一つ目の疑問「なぜJR九州はFelicaに加えて、TypeA/B についての検証を行なっているのか」について考えてみます。

Let's look at the first question - Why JR Kyushu is confirming the technology of Type A/B in addition to Felica.


My answer for this question is to support inbound tourist from overseas. Those who are coming from other countries would have international credit card (that supports contactless payment) and/or iPhone but they don't have a Suica or Sugoca. If they can just use their credit cards or smartphones, it would offer a better customer experience. If you go to Singapore or Australia and take a subway, you can use your credit card for it. 

それでは二つ目の疑問、JR東日本などはこの流れに追随するのかについて勘がてみます。私は、「なかなか難しい」と考えています。JR九州もあくまでもこれは「実証実験」です。いくつか理由があるのですが、一つ目の理由は全ての改札に置いて、現在の(Felica対応した)改札から「タッチ決済」可能な改札に置き換えるの莫大な投資が必要だからです。二つ目の理由は、そもそもJR東日本が、当初Type A/Bではなく、Felicaを採用してSuicaを導入した理由の一つに、「大規模なトランズアクションを瞬時に処理する」には、Felicaの方がType A/Bより優れていたという理由があるからです。少なくとも東京の主要駅で朝の通勤客の改札を処理するには現時点ではFelicaの処理能力がなくてはいけないでしょう。

For the second question - whether JR East will follow the same path in the near future. My answer for this is ”It would be relatively hard for them to accept the contactless payment.”. Even for JR Kyushu, it is just a proof of concept. One of the reasons for this is because they would need a lot of investment to replace or modify all of their gates to accept Type A/B in addition to Felica. The second reason is, in the first place, the biggest reason for JR East to adopt Felica (vs. Type A/B) is the better capability of processing huge amount of transactions instantly. From this point of view, it is difficult to imagine that Type A/B will replace the functionalities at stations in Tokyo, where you see so many commuters in the morning. 


One alternative approach would be to introduce only one gate that supports the Touch Payment (Type A/B) at each station. This may reduce the burden of investment while offering a benefits for inbound tourists. 


The Touch Payment is still early phase (not penetrated well) in Japan both form a consumer's and merchant's perspective. I will share updates when I can see further developments. 

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