
(Vol. 3) Yota's eyes on Fintech in Japan - J-Score, the SoftBank and Mizuho backed AI lending service, keeps losing money. (J スコアサービスは引き続き赤字)


In this blog post series, I plan to share the latest news in the Fintech industry in Japan with my thoughts as frequently as possible.

Today's News

J スコアは、2016年にソフトバンクとみずほ銀行によって設立されたジョイントベンチャー企業です。当初は、AIによるロジックによって、これまでにない融資プロダクトを提供するという目論見だったようですが、2022年3月期までに200億円の累積赤字を抱えているようです。記事では、広告費が先行している、コロナの影響がある、情報銀行としてのビジネスモデルの確立が遅れていることが紹介されています。

J Score was established as a joint-venture by SoftBank and Mizuho bank in Japan in 2016. At first, they planned to provide the innovative way (product) to give a credit (Consumer loans) to consumers by using AI based scores. However, according to the article, it lost more than 20B JPY accumulatively by the end of March 2022 due to the high expenditure in advertisement, the decrease in demand during/after Covid-19, and the delay in establishing the new revenue flow from the Information Bank business model.  

日本語の記事はこちらをご参照ください。(News articles in Japanese)

Yota's Thoughts(ようたの感想)

J スコアがはじまった当初は、簡単な質問に答えるだけでそれなりに魅力的な金利で利用できるということでそれなりにニーズがあるのかなと思っていました。AIというよりは、これまでの消費者ローン(サラ金)からの乗り換えや顧客体験にメリットがあるのではと考えていました。しかし、数年スコアを追い続けたり、その間、転職をしてスコアを確認したりしていると、結局「勤続年数」や「会社名」に依存した与信なのかなと感じるようにもなりました。

When J Score started in 2016, I expected that the service would provide a better service including attractive interest rate and therefore would meet consumers' demands as it only requires customers to answer some simple questions through its app. To me, I thought that it provided the better services in comparison with the existing consumer lending services (called Salaryman financing in Japan). However, while I had tracked my score (I changed a job a few years ago), they eventually look providing a credit (higher score) to me by checking "my company name" and "how long I work for the company".


Though saying that giving a credit to consumers by using AI sounds attractive, in reality, it is hard to operate than to imagine. I'd say that one of the most successful companies in this Fintech segment is MerPay. MerPay leverages the information from Mercari (PtoP marketplace) such as information as a buyer and seller, what the user buys/sells, and the shipping address. They processed these information through AI and provide a credit to users/consumers of MerPay smart-payment. I was thinking that these consumer lending business might be a good fit with the consumer marketplace such as Amazon, Rakuten, and Mercari. In other words, it is a little bit hard for a financial company like Mizuho to come up with the innovative solution in this field. For example, if there is a consumer who buys a diaper at the same address for more than three years, I guess that it is not so difficult to trust him/her for a few million JPY consumer loans in addition to the standard KYC process. I really hope the innovative service where consumers can be trusted or given a credit w/o just relying on "a company name" or "duration to work there". 

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