
005 Intermediate - Giving an Update

Train Your English
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Dian: Guys, thank you so much for coming in on such short notice.
Yuji: No problem. I heard you have been called for a board meeting at headquarters.
Bill: Yeah, do you know what it’s about?
Dian: Actually, I have no idea. Unfortunately, I won't be back until next Tuesday, which is why I have asked you two to come in and give me updates on Tokyo Game Show.
Yuji: Of course. How much time do we have today?
Dian: Until 11:30. I’ll have to leave here at a quarter to noon for a luncheon with Mr. Findley.
Bill: OK, that’s plenty of time. I’ll go first, if you don’t mind, Yuji. Well, as far as the advertising goes, everything is coming together except the flyer.
Dian: What’s the problem?
Bill: Well, we initially designed it to fit Half Letter size but we have to modify it a bit to fit International A5. I’ll email it to the printer as soon as it’s ready, which should be in a couple of hours.
Dian: Good. Make sure they will have mailed the sample here to the office by the time I return, please. Yuji, anything from you...our booth at the show?

Yuji: Besides the decision to outsource the design for our booth, which we made at the previous meeting, I must say there hasn’t been much progress to report. We will discuss our image and the specifics with the firm tomorrow. Obviously, it’s not moving as quickly as we hoped.
Dian: Well, at least it’s moving somewhere now. Please do keep me posted.
Yuji: Of course. Oh, there is one more thing. The organization called just a short while ago and asked if we wanted to move to Booth 3.
Dian: What? Why didn’t you tell me that first?! Oh my god, this changes everything! The ad, booth display...I mean everything!
Bill: Uh-oh.
Yuji: Ah...I didn’t think it was that good of a deal because that space is smaller and…...
Dian: Yeah but it’s right at the main entrance! We gotta get that spot! So, what did you say?
Yuji: Ah...I said “It would be too small for us, I think, but we’ll think about it.”
Dian: Well, can you call the person back before it’s too late?
Yuji: Well...there is a little problem. I….don’t have her number.
Dian: WHAT?!

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