
20240305_How to improve English Skill

I decided to acquire English skill in my life and I think that it is important to make strategy to do it. To study English without strategy seems to be same as walking in the dark. English skill consists of Grammar, Vocabulary and Pronunci

    • Diary_20231127

      To get skill which you want, we shall believe that the skill is really required and related to your near future. It is impossible to get it if you hope to get it. The shortest way to get it is to believe that the skill is required and relat

      • Diary_20231124

        I watched Youtube which Ichiro tell his skill to amateur players. The most impressive things is that good players looks like slow, flexible and powerless. Surely, their movement actually has much power and speed but they looks like such tha

        • Diary_20231116

          AgingAll people have faced on aging and afraid of it about beauty, healthy and ability. We try to prepare the aging at young age but we don't have any skill and valuable things better than young so we feel impatient and afraid of it when yo

        20240305_How to improve English Skill


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