中央大学通信過程 2022年英語(C)〈I03A〉第1課題(2)解説



Following the enforced isolation and leisure of the plague years, Newton returned to Cambridge, received a master’s degree, and was appointed a fellow of Trinity College. Shortly thereafter his old teacher, Barrow, withdrew, and Newton, at the age of twenty-seven, became professor of mathematics, a position which he held for the next twenty-seven years. For the next decade or two little was heard of Newton. It is known that he continued his  investigations of light, and published a paper on his discovery of the composite nature of white light. Immediately he became involved in controversy, first because his conclusions on the subject of light were in opposition to those then prevailing; and, second, because he had included in the paper a statement on his philosophy of science. In the latter, he had expressed the point of view that the chief function of science is to carry out carefully planned experiments, to record observations of the experiments, and lastly to prepare mathematical laws based on the results. As Newton stated it, the “proper method for enquiring after the properties of things is to deduce them from experiments.” While these principles are in complete accord with modern scientific research, they were by no means fully accepted in Newton’s day.




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