







Q. Every single salmon has a its own passport which enable us to track it back, and it has information of how and where the salmon has been processed, the quality grade, date of production, preservation, storage temperature or etc. We don’t get the chance to know that information of each fish here in Japan. Do people in Norway take it for granted?



Good question.
The traceability in Norway has started when we started the salmon farming. When we started collecting the data, it was always on paper.

・salmon farming: サーモン養殖

So, in the 1990s when we started to have computers and to gather the data, we started to have it more available and more accessible, but this is because of the customers of the Norwegian salmon farmers. They asked for it.

So, when we have customers in Europe, they always wanted to know from which salmon farm it’s coming, what are the qualities, the parameters we have taken care of when we did the salmon farming.

In Norway, if you have leaved it for Norwegian salmon farming, maybe they would not care much about traceability, but they have very high demanding customers in Europe and the rest of the world, and they are always asking for traceability.

Especially, I will say, it is highest within smoked salmon producers in Europe. Those produce smoked salmon out of Norwegian salmon. They are very focused on the quality. They focus because they have to calculate the eat, like how much are you getting fillets when you buy a salmon of Norway, or what are the quality parameters. Because smoked salmon is very high focused on hygiene, so you need to have full traceability, what kind of feed, what are the parameters in terms of hygiene you have done when you do the salmon farming.

・hygiene: 衛生

It’s started with very demanding customers. It’s always the customers that are pushing us forward to become even better.


I see. We should also put a mark on fish to distinguish each fish, I think.

It’s a way of making a higher quality and higher focused on a food safety on a product. It’s not only about bringing to the market or customers but bringing the salmon from this famer to this customer. If something goes wrong with the customers, this famer who has made the mistakes. So, it’s about taking responsibilities in each step of the value chain. That’s whole part of the traceability. You know where something might have gone wrong, you can trace it back.

So, because when I was working before for a Norwegian seafood exporter, we saw a lot of fish to Europe, and I have the customers that was looking for specifically on the label of the box when you have the box coming with the salmons. He was looking specifically for which farm this salmon was coming. Because many customers in Europe, they know exactly the quality for each farm. So, focusing on the quality is always there.

You don’t see fish without marks in markets and supermarkets?

In market, yes. In the supermarkets, they are some supermarkets that actually have code then you can go to internet, and you can see the whole life of this salmon. You can see when it was born, and kind of feed during the whole life, when it was put to sea, the weight of the fish, the temperature in the sea. All of this is available online for the customers who are buying the salmon in stores.


So, that was also a big risk for the producers, because then you show the absolutely everything and you are not hiding anything, and that was reaction to image the Norwegian salmon uses a lot of antibiotics. The consumers are afraid because they’ve heard that salmon was with a lot of antibiotics.

・antibiotics: 抗生物質

To show the consumers that we don’t use the antibiotics, we show them everything. You show them the salmon uses vaccine. All salmons in Norway have to be vaccinated individually with a needle before it is putting to the sea. You are not allowed to put any fish in the sea before it’s vaccinated. All of this is available to the consumers.

There was a big risk due to the consumers understand what we are doing. Suddenly they might say “we though salmon was swimming in the sea, and they were wild, now you show that it is farmed that use vaccine and you use sea lice treatment? what kind of salmon is this?”. This is how it is.

・sea lice: 寄生虫


In supermarkets in Norway, there are some that likes to show everything, and some that shows the part of it.


Q. Salmon farming in Norway is done on a very large scale compared to Japanese farms; what is being done to reduce the environmental impact like low fish meal?

They are done a thousand of activities everyday to reduce the impact on the environment for salmon farming.

And of course, our biggest dark period of salmon farming in Norway, was in the 1980s, in the 1985 to 1987. We used a lot of antibiotics, we produce in total, 50,000 tons of salmon in 1980s, and we used 50 tons of antibiotics. We used a lot because when the fish are sick, and then we just put antibiotics, that was the easiest.


But the customers started to complain saying that this is not good for the environment and for consumers for the food safety. “What are you going to do?”

It’s started with very demanding customers. It’s always the customers that are pushing us forward to become even better.

We develop vaccines. With the vaccine just like humans, salmons make a strong immune system. So, by that, we took a way to reduce antibiotics. We reduced it by 99.7 %. I would say the Norwegian salmon is the healthiest food produced animal. We don’t use antibiotics. And of course, that is an only part of it.

・immune: 免疫

The fish is shittig in the sea also, what are the environmental impact of that? So, there was a big discussion in Norway on what are you doing with this, what they did is we measure the salmon farm.

The salmon farms have to take test on the segments before you set out the farm on the area and before you are putting the fish into the sea, you have to take the new segment samples from the bottom just to check what is the bottom segments look like and then during production you have to take new tests at the maximum when you have the most fish at the biggest size, because they are shitting a lot. Then you are taking new segment test from the bottom, and you measure them.

And you are taking the test again when fish is out of the cages and left the farm. These results are public. We can go in at any hours, we can go to the website, and look at the quality of each farm of Norway.

And if the authorities see that there was too much pollution under the farm, the farmers are not allowed to put new fish on the site until this is completely cleaned again.

I think… I don’t remember the exact percentage, but based on these, because of the grading, 90 % or all salmon farms have the extremely good conditions on the seabed.

And of course, when you check back the environment effect in terms of the feed, that is very important also. People would say that “you use fish feed to feed salmon, we use 2. some kg in total for feeding 1 kg salmon.” That sounds like “wow, this is not good at all that you are using more fish to grow 1kg of salmon”.

The thing is the wild fish, a cod or any kind of fish, they need 10 kg wild fish to grow 1 kg. The salmon only need 2. some kg.


We are replacing many of the proteins with the vegetables proteins because protein is a protein. There are some farms that is saying we are going to have better standard that everyone has. In Europe, there is a quality label called “label rouge”, which mean a red label, which is famous for its high quality. 20% of the Scottish salmon is using the specification of this label.


And the chefs, they love it because it tastes so much better. The thing is that they use a much higher level of marine ingredients in the feed.

This is not good for the environment. We have to make our decision. Are we going to preserve the marine resources or going to give you a better taste?

So, what we have done to the salmon is, we don’t need that much marine resources in the feed, it’s lower because we are replacing all the proteins and then one of the biggest challenges we have, is that we are replacing also the soya oil, they are adding a lot of soya oil. But where did the soil oil come from? Its environmental impact is big.

・soya oil: 大豆油(サラダ油)

But the salmon farmers in Norway, they have decided not to use any GMO feed in the fish. And non-GMO means that there is also non-GMO soya. And this is super difficult to find.

・GMO: Genetically Modified Organism(遺伝子組換え作物)

And only food producing animals, that is using non-GMO in the world is salmon. And it makes it difficult to produce. Because we are looking everywhere to find non-GMO soya oil, and we are the only one who are buying it. And the rest of the world, they don’t care. We use soil for beef or chicken or anything, but it is GMO. But for the salmon, it is non-GMO.

The salmon in Norway is very afraid of destroying the image of being not sustainable. That is why we are saying non-GMO, making sure that the salmon farms are clean, making sure that we don’t have the environmental impact.

And it’s not only about GMO, but it’s about deforestation. Because you are making a big land and you cut down a lot of trees just to produce soya.

・deforestation: 森林破壊

Salmon farmers in Norway are saying we are not excepting soya oil with GMO and do not except the soya which is from the area where we have deforestation. So, it’s very clear that we don’t except anything that can create bad image or bad impact on the environment.

I see. Thank you.

Well, that was a long speech haha.


