Answering 3 Debatable Topics ~Part1~

  1. Cigarette smoking and vaping should be banned entirely.
    I agree to this statement because both smoking and vaping are bad for health. It is widely known that smoking and vaping can do harm to your lungs, and it increases the risk of lung cancer. Additionally, not only does it give bad effect to smokers, but it also affects the health of non-smokers by second-hand smoke. I occasionally encounter people who smoke while walking, and I have no choice but have second-hand smoke. I do know that there are some fine and penalty for smoking while walking, but as far as I know, it is not giving much result. Therefore, I believe that banning of both smoking cigarette and vaping would solve the second-hand smoke problem.

  2. Technology is creating more jobs than it eliminates.
    I mostly agree to this idea, because technology like Internet and computer have created large industries, and many companies were found in this industry, meaning more jobs and employments were created. However, I understand how these types of technologies have eliminated certain types of jobs. For example, with the development of Internet and portable devices like computers and smartphones, nowadays, more people read newspapers and books online instead of the paper version. This meaning that the size of the company of publisher of newspapers and paper books might have shrunk. However, we need to know that newspapers and paper books are still in need, and jobs related to these items have not been completely eliminated. Moreover, these types of companies are now shifting towards digitalization, and they are striving to catch up to the trend by publishing newspapers and books online. Therefore, despite the fact that certain industry has received a damage to some extent due to new technologies, companies related to those industries have been developing and accustoming themselves to changes.

  3. Summer is better than winter.
    I chose this topic since we can tell how summer is approaching. I disagree to this statement, because in summer, we hear more news about health issues than in winter. In summer, with high temperature, people like kids and elderly who are not capable of managing their health can get dehydrated and heatstroke. However, we hardly hear this health issue related to temperature or season in winter. We know that heat can do more harm than coldness to people.

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