Asking 5 Random Questions to Myself ~Part2~

  1. What was the best compliment you've ever received?
    The best compliment I've ever received is that "You're considerate." I like to be seen as a considerate and caring person, because I start to realize that not everyone is considerate, and no offense to my friends, but most of my friends are selfish. I sometimes admire the fact that my friends are living their lives without much care to their surroundings. I do fall into the same situation when I am busy with my work, and my heart can't take anymore. But my friends acting in selfish manner is not something that started lately, but it has been a natural behavior since they were students. So I had my heart broken several times because of that, but lately, my friends told me that I am such a considerate and caring person, and that compliment did really save my heart.

  2. Would you rather be stuck on a broken ski lift or a broken elevator?
    This is a unique question again. Definitely broken ski lift, because considering the possibility of either ski lift or elevator falling, I am pretty sure that ski lift is safer compared to the elevator. If the elevator breaks or stops on high floors like 20th floor, and it falls, there would be no chance of surviving. But with ski lift, I bet it would not be too high, and if I am lucky, I might be able to just jump off the lift. So, I would go for broken ski lift.

  3. In your group of friends, what role do you play?
    My friends once told me that in my group of friends, I work as a connector. I am not the one who leads the group by talking, but not the one who does not give many opinions, and rather stay as a good listener. I think I am in between. I could be both talker and listener, and I change my role according to the friends, and also the mood of my friends. Also, I tend to ask questions to those who don't seem to be in the conversation much. My ideal picture is that everyone feeling involved and having fun. That's probably why my friends tell me that I am like a connector, trying to connect people. 

  4. What's something you wish you'd figured out sooner?
    I would say how books are great. I sound so stupid and childish, but it's true. I wish I would have read more books during my childhood and would have been bookworm. Reading a book is like peeking inside the brain of the author and experiencing his or her life. You could obviously live only one life, and you could never trade your brain with someone else, but I think reading a book is the closest way which you could accomplish it. Books are full of thoughts and discovery that the author has experienced. It gives you so many gifts that you could not get without reading it. I truly believe that books are treasure and heritage of humans. That's why I regret myself of not having read more books until now. 

  5. What incredibly strong opinion do you have that is completely unimportant in the grand scheme of things?
    To be honest, I don't think I have such a strong opinion on certain thing, which leads to why I was called harmless by my close friend, and even my boyfriend agreed to it. I think I am a quite flexible person. There are certain types of people I do not like, and can not get along with, but I assume that range is not so wide. Therefore, I need a little more time to come up with an answer to this question.

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