~Asking 5 Random Questions to Myself~ Part 1

  1. If you could be any age for the rest of your life, which would you choose?
    If I could be any age for the rest of my life, I would love to stay as 24 years old which is my current age. I have two reasons to support this idea. The first reason is because I would like to be working but not in high position with responsibility. I prefer to work rather than being educated so that I could earn money to use for myself. But at the same time, I would not appreciate to be in a high position with high responsibility because that is likely to restrict my free time. The other reason is that I would like to continue to have the body strength and energy that I have now. As you get old, it is inevitable to lose your body strength and energy. That would restrict yourself from trying new things. So, I would like to stay as 24 forever while working and remaining powerful. 

  2. What's your favorite animal?
    My favorite animal is pug. I used to dislike pug when I was young, because I thought it was not cute, and was rather ugly. But as I grew older, I realized its cuteness. In Japanese, we have a word, "busakawa", and this is a combined word of "busaiku" meaning ugly, and "kawaii" meaning pretty or cute. Pug is definitely "busakawa". I also like pug because I heard that pug relatively has calm characteristics, and it is kind to human. 

  3. Which celebrity would you choose for your best friend?
    I would choose Nikoru Fujita as my best friend, because I assume that she has opposite characteristics from me, but is still considerate and thoughtful of others and caring.

  4. If you could only wear one color for the rest of your life, which on would you choose?
    Definitely blue. Blue has been my favorite color for almost my whole life. So, many of my possessions are blue such as wallet, my PC, my phone case, etc. I cannot imagine living without blue. So I am totally acceptable to live with only blue clothes and be covered with blue for the rest of my life. 

  5. Why are turtles green?
    This is an interesting question. I never thought about it. Well, I think it does not have to be turtles, and this question can be applied to so many other animals. But to answer the question with my guess, I would say they are green so that they could blend in with the greenish river or pond to protect themselves from their predators.  I think it is a technique for them to survive. 

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